The search has found 32 titles

Enzo Pace

Politiche d'identità e disordine globale


Fascicolo: 2 / 2002

Through a short case-study, the essay shows, in the first place, how identity politics reveals and why religions are a fundamental element in its definition; and, in the second place, which are the cultural and religious resistance lines to globalization. The aim is to demonstrate that clashes of civilization and religious wars do not exist.What happens is rather the collective movements emerge which do their best to feel and imagine themselves «different », in a world and in a society where, in modernity’s name, such differences appear more and more vanishing. Difference though is a resource wich can be mobilized to create political consent.

Giorgio De Finis, Riccardo Scartezzini

Universalità & differenza

Cosmopolitismo e relativismo nelle relazioni tra identità sociali e culture

cod. 1520.265

Enzo Pace

La società parallela

Religione, resistenza e opposizione nella Polonia contemporanea

cod. 1520.85

Domenica Denti, Mauro Ferrari

I Sikh.

Storia e immigrazione

cod. 1144.21

Arnaldo Nesti

Laboratorio Iran

Cultura, religione, modernità in Iran

cod. 2000.1019