Domenico Castaldo, Annalisa Reale

Project Management Sustainability.

Planning, analysis and control project sustainability environmental

The book outlines the sustainability as a new area of knowledge within the standard of the Project Management Institute (PMI) integrated with other areas of knowledge defining the concepts, practices and processes. The author’s opinion is that our actions must always remember that the Earth is not an inheritance of our fathers, but borrowed from our children.

cod. 1065.72

Domenico Castaldo, Annalisa Reale

Project Sustainability Management.

Pianificazione, analisi e controllo della sostenibilità ambientale del progetto

Il libro delinea la sostenibilità come nuova area di conoscenza nell’ambito dello standard del Project Management Institute (PMI), integrata con le altre aree di conoscenza, definendone i concetti, le pratiche e i processi.

cod. 1065.63