Alfredo Ancora, Alberto Sbardella

L'approccio transculturale nei servizi psichiatrici.

Un confronto tra gli operatori

Questo testo occupa un posto particolare nella pur vasta letteratura sulla psicologia e psichiatria transculturale. Descrive infatti – con l’aiuto di autorevoli contributi – come comportarsi di fronte all’altro che irrompe negli ambulatori, nei consultori, negli ospedali e con quale atteggiamento mentale ci si debba avvicinare a persone provenienti da altre culture e da culture altre.

cod. 1370.2.2

Alberto Sbardella

La funzione dell’analista, tra poesia e follia


Fascicolo: 3 / 2008

La funzione dell’analista, tra poesia e follia - the author inspired by Heidegger’s study of Hölderlin’s verses hypothesises, through an analogical comparison, the existence of a liable connection between poetry and madness. He also underlines the emergence of the ambivalent dimension of the sacred and thus of God, as essence of Being. His basic idea is that it is hazardous to stay too close to the spring of knowledge for it might shatter the individual’s reason and creative faculties (generating madness and/or an incapacity to produce a compelling and meaningful poetical language). Consequently, psychoanalysts and poets - when they succeed in keeping at bay their inclination to (re -) interpret internal and/or external reality can offer to their clients or readers, a useful support, at times, transformative of their structural emotional experience. Hence, if one has the opportunity to be a little more poetic, one might risk a little less to become insane. Keywords: poetry, madness, sacred, psychoanalyst, interpretation, revelation.