The search has found 24 titles

Giulia Pastori, Luisa Zecca

La scuola come bene di tutti, la scuola per il bene di tutti

Quale scuola vogliamo?

Questo volume raccoglie gli atti del primo convegno internazionale, organizzato dal Laboratorio di ricerca e formazione “Scuola e Cittadinanza Democratica”, dal titolo La scuola come bene di tutti. La scuola per il bene di tutti. Quale scuola vogliamo? Nel dialogo e nell’impegno condiviso abbiamo la speranza di poter non solo trovare strumenti e chiavi di interpretazione della nostra contemporaneità complessa, ma anche di poter incidere e dare una direzione di cambiamento concreto verso una società (e scuola) sempre più solidale e “fraterna”.

cod. 11427.1

Marisa Muzio, Giuseppe Riva

Flow, benessere e prestazione eccellente

Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda

Gli studi sul flow nascono con l’obiettivo di analizzare i fattori capaci di trasformare un’esperienza momentanea in uno stato psicologico ottimale, la cui comprensione consente di delineare un modello di ottimizzazione della performance che identifica nel benessere il presupposto per risultati eccellenti.

cod. 1222.140

Ottavia Albanese, Antonella Delle Fave

Disabilità, diversità e promozione del benessere

Aspetti clinici, formativi ed educativi

Negli ultimi due decenni la ricerca psicologica ha cominciato a occuparsi dei punti di forza e delle potenzialità individuali. Questo volume si propone di illustrare i principali costrutti teorici e gli strumenti di indagine che permettono di identificare i fondamenti dello sviluppo positivo e del funzionamento ottimale. Lo scopo è di attirare l’attenzione di educatori e professionisti della salute sulle risorse che le persone già possiedono o possono essere aiutate a sviluppare e potenziare.

cod. 1305.219

Giorgio De Isabella, Giuseppina Majani

Psicologia in medicina: vantaggi e prospettive

Questo libro offre una prospettiva da cui osservare molte delle grandi potenzialità del sapere psicologico applicato al mondo sanitario, e offre la giusta voce con cui portarlo all’attenzione di chi non lo conosce ancora, o di chi già lo conosce, e vuole, come all’inizio, continuare a crederci.

cod. 1161.6

Alessandra Pasinato, Elena Zucchi

La forza di crescere.

Lo sguardo che muove Persona e Azienda

Come si può crescere da adulti? Come si fa a trovare la forza e il coraggio di farlo? Quali sono gli strumenti professionali utili per supportare le persone in questo percorso? Un volume per tutti coloro che per mestiere e passione affrontano la complessa e meravigliosa sfida di supportare lo sviluppo altrui. Un utile strumento di lavoro per formatori, docenti, responsabili della formazione, studenti.

cod. 25.1.25

Antonella Delle Fave

La relazione di cura e il benessere condiviso


Fascicolo: 1 / 2010

La relazione di cura può essere un’importante opportunità di costruzione e condivisione di benessere, sia per il paziente che per l’operatore sanitario. Numerose ricerche negli ultimi due decenni hanno studiato questi aspetti, mettendone in evidenza le potenzialità e le ricadute positive per la qualità di vita dei lavoratori, dei loro assistiti, e della collettività in cui vivono.

Marta Bassi, Rocco Coppa, Antonella Delle Fave

Studiare medicina per condividere benessere: una ricerca transculturale in Ciad e in Italia


Fascicolo: 1 / 2008

Studiare medicina per condividere benessere: una ricerca transculturale in Ciad e in Italia - Studying medicine with the aim of sharing well-being: A cross-cultural research in Chad and in Italy In all countries medical students’ education is considered as highly relevant to community health and well-being. This is especially true of developing countries where health care resources are scarce, and doctors tend to migrate abroad. However, few studies were devoted to the experience medical students associate with learning and to the future goals they pursue. With the aim to delve into these issues, we recruited 34 medical students, 17 in Chad and 17 in Italy. Participants were administered Flow Questionnaire and Life Theme Questionnaire, respectively investigating the quality of their daily experience and the sources of optimal experience a positive and complex state of high concentration and their projects and future goals. Participants from both groups described studying as a complex and de-manding activity. Furthermore, they associated it with optimal experience, with higher frequency among Chadians. However, a clear distinction emerged concerning goal pursuit: while Italian students primarily reported individual goals, Chadians pursued goals mainly related to social commitment. These differences are connected to both the cultural features and the material and economic conditions of the two countries, and thus present specific implications at the motivational level as well as in terms of the professional skills that wouldbe doctors will offer their community. Key words: medical students, learning experience, optimal experience, cross-cultural perspective

Alessandra Preziosa, Giuseppe Riva, Antonella Delle Fave

L’esperienza soggettiva dell’obesità: implicazioni diagnostico-terapeutiche


Fascicolo: 1 / 2008

L’esperienza soggettiva dell’obesità: implicazioni diagnostico-terapeutiche - The subjective experience of obesity: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications The spreading of obesity, with its high morbidity and mortality levels, has drawn the attention of health authorities. The diagnosis and treatment of obesity are prominently based on objective data, such as biological, socio-economic and cultural variables. However, several studies have shown the relevance of subjective indicators, such as perceived well-being, life satisfaction, perceived quality of social relationships and individual pursuit of future goals. On the basis of these premises, the main aim of this study was to investigate the quality of experience perceived by obese persons in daily life, during and after a hospital treatment. A longitudinal data collection was conducted among 28 participants through Expe-rience Sampling Method (ESM). This procedure provides repeated on-line sampling of the subjective experience associated with daily life situations and activities for one week. Participants were followed during two sampling sessions: the first took place during the hospital treatment; the second one was conducted three months later. During the treatment participants were prominently focused on their health conditions, on the practice of physical exercises and on the change in eating habits. After coming back home, their investment on food habits and health dramatically decreased, in favour of a growing attention to family, work and relational issues. These results suggest that the development of effective intervention should take into account patients’ behavior and perception of the environmental opportunities in the daily context, in order to promote the long-term stability of treatment outcomes. Key words: obesity, subjective experience, Experience Sampling Method.

Maria Antonietta Nosenzo*, Federica Colombo**, Fabio Corsi*, Ilaria Faini, Manuela Bossi, Alessandra Sartani, Maria Teresa Cattaneo, Emilio Trabucchi, Nicoletta Tosca, Nicolò Filippi, Antonella Delle Fave

Neoplasia mammaria e mobilizzazione di risorse personali e relazionali


Fascicolo: 1 / 2008

Neoplasia mammaria e mobilizzazione di risorse personali e relazionali - Breast cancer and mobilization of personal and relational resources The evaluation of the quality of life perceived in pathological conditions allows to develop interventions aimed at promoting the well-being of patients from a subjective perspective. In particular, a pathological condition can be considered as a source of threat or else a source of challenges and stimuli. It is therefore possible to identify some positive aspects in relation to the illness, in terms of its impact on daily life and long-term projects. On the basis of these premises, we will discuss results obtained from a study conducted among 46 women interviewed after surgical treatment for a breast cancer. More specifically, we will analyse: a) the individual resources perceived and mobilized while coping with disease; b) the identification of positive consequences related to disease and of daily opportunities for experiencing complex and engaging states of consciousness (optimal experiences); c) the evaluation of doctor-patient communication. These elements will be also related to the decision making style of the participants, in particular to their need for closure. Key words: cancer, resources, doctor-patient relationship.

Marta Bassi, Antonella Delle Fave

L’esperienza della disabilità: selezione psicologica e promozione del benessere


Fascicolo: 1 / 2007

At the international level, a new concept of disability is spreading, which considers disability as a way of functioning consisting of biological, psychological and social components. From this perspective and in view of well-being promotion, this study analyzed the quality of experience and goal setting of 50 people with early (N = 25) and acquired (N = 25) motor disabilities, ranging in age between 30 and 40. Particular attention was paid to a specific well-being condition, optimal experience, a positive and complex state associated with activities that are preferentially replicated in time through the process of psychological selection, thus fostering the development of related skills. Through Flow Questionnaire and Life Theme Questionnaire, investigation focused on the activities participants associated with optimal experience and with its antithetic state of apathy or anti-flow, on achievements perceived in present life, and future goals. Results showed that participants’ psychological selection is centered upon some specific areas: work, leisure time, social and family relations, health, and personal life. Participants reported a good level of psychological functioning. They adequately integrated their physical condition in their life and retrieved opportunities for optimal experiences in their daily context. Among the factors hampering personal fulfillment participants reported difficulties in social integration. This aspect requires attentive consideration in order to promote the well-being of people with disabilities.