Fernando Salvetti, Barbara Bertagni

Learning 4.0.

Advanced Simulation, Immersive Experiences and Artificial Intelligence, Flipped Classrooms, Mentoring and Coaching

How to improve the way that science, technology, engineering and math, as well as the arts and the humanities are taught and learned? What are you doing as an educator to grasp the 4.0 revolution? Advanced simulation, immersive experiences and artificial intelligence, flipped classrooms, mentoring and coaching in the age of digital revolution. This is Learning 4.0! Are you ready?

cod. 1529.2.137

Giuseppe Magistrali, Giulia Maria Cagnolati

Gli anziani, la città e i servizi

Una ricerca sugli interventi e le risorse sulla terza e la quarta età a Piacenza

cod. 1130.59