Rolf Petri

Sentimenti, emozioni. Potenzialità e limiti della storia culturale


Fascicolo: 40 / 2012

The first part of the essay tries to elaborate a reasonable itemisation of the three main streams in the history of emotions: that of individual emotions, the study of the role that emotions have in historical processes, and the reflection about the influence of emotions on history writing. The second part is devoted to the methodological and theoretical status of the study of past emotions. The author criticises the definition of emotions as merely cultural phenomena. He argues in favour to a cross-disciplinary and theoretical perspective, and maintains that cultural history of emotions should be able to deconstruct its own history and contextualise historically the very paradigms of "culture" and "emotion".

Rolf Petri, Antonella Salomoni, Luigi Tomassini



Fascicolo: 40 / 2012

Marco Doria, Rolf Petri

Banche multinazionali e capitale umano.

Studi in onore di Peter Hertner

Il volume presenta una serie di saggi in onore di Peter Hertner, attento studioso dei processi di internazionalizzazione dell’economia, del cui percorso scientifico si dà conto nel testo. I contributi proposti consentono un’osservazione a più livelli della storia economica e sociale degli ultimi due secoli.

cod. 1501.102

Rolf Petri

Nazionalizzazione e snazionalizzazione nelle regioni di frontiera


Fascicolo: 15 / 2004

In his introduction to the issue, the editor stresses the recent emergence of post-nationalistic approaches to the history of nationalisation of European border regions. The essays offer an imperfect, but nevertheless significant, perspective on subjects and methods. They range from the early modern times to presence, from German-Polish to Italian- Slovenian and French boundary regions, involving historiography as well as anthropology. The author points out that they can particularly well demonstrate the contingencies in (re-)construction processes of national, ethnic and linguistic identities. They show furthermore that ‘progress’ and ‘civilisation’ are frequently used, in Europe, as a legitimating tool of borderline drawing. National delimitation of territories shows however to be most of times imperfect. Previous and co-existent loyalties may be integrated to support national self-identification, but can not be prevented from persisting and living their own lives. In some cases, the gap between the imaginary and the political distribution of space between the Us and the Other shows to be resistant to all attempts of national propaganda and pedagogy. Borderlines are needed to re-assure the national Self in being existent and consistent. At the same time, they remember the Nation that her existence continues to be contingent, temporary, and open to further changes.

Rolf Petri



Fascicolo: 50 / 1990

Rolf Petri

La frontiera industriale.

Territorio, grande industria e leggi speciali prima della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno

cod. 1573.144