Stalking: persecutive behaviors, solutions and protection

Author/s Lucilla Anastasio, Daniele Bocciolini
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 91-97 File size 119 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2019-001008
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This article analyzes the criminal offense mentioned in article 612 bis c.p. "persecutory acts" (more commonly known as "stalking"). This crime became part of the Italian Criminal Justice system through bill n. 11/2009 (converted from law n. 38/2009). In the specific, the article evaluates each aspect of the new law by discussing issues of substantial nature and procedural aspects. Following the analysis of the structural elements of the crime, the authors exemplify the consequences on civil law in terms of the patrimonial and non-pecuniary damage suffered by the victim.

Keywords: Crime Profile; Jurisprudence; Procedural Profile; Victim; Protection; Compensation.

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  2. Sarno F. (2010) Il nuovo reato di atti persecutori (art. 612 bis), Giuffrè, Roma
  3. Tasciotti U., Bruno A. (2014) Lo stalking dall’origine, Aracne, Ariccia, Roma
  4. Tovani S., Trinci A. (2013) Lo stalking. Il reato di atti persecutori: aspetti sostanziali e processuali, Dike Giuridica Editrice, Roma

Lucilla Anastasio, Daniele Bocciolini, Lo stalking: comportamenti persecutori, rimedi e tutela in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 1/2019, pp 91-97, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2019-001008