Innovazioni imprenditoriali per lo sviluppo sostenibile dei territori. gli alberghi diffusi e il caso dell’Umbria

Author/s Bernardino Quattrociocchi, Marta Maria Montella
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2017/1
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 53-71 File size 785 KB
DOI 10.3280/EI2017-001003
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Abstract Being culture and tourism, especially in Italy, strategic levers for sustainable development and given the need of management tools able to enhance this combination, the article aims to illustrate: i) the potential of the scattered hotels as innovations consonant with the current tourism trends; ii) the phenomenon in Italy; iii) strengths and weaknesses and some decisive innovations. Then we will present, after a review of national and international literature, the results of qualitative and quantitative survey on scattered hotels in Umbria. The aspects of indeterminacy detected prove the inadequate understanding of the potential of these business models and hinder the consolidation of these and the optimization of the value that can be created for the company itself and local stakeholders.

Keywords: Innovation, tourism, culture, local area, value, sustainable development, scattered hotel.

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Bernardino Quattrociocchi, Marta Maria Montella, Innovazioni imprenditoriali per lo sviluppo sostenibile dei territori. gli alberghi diffusi e il caso dell’Umbria in "ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA" 1/2017, pp 53-71, DOI: 10.3280/EI2017-001003