University spin-offs and their impact: longitudinal evidence from Italy

Author/s Daniela Bolzani, Riccardo Fini, Rosa Grimaldi, Maurizio Sobrero
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/4
Language English Pages 27 P. 237-263 File size 102 KB
DOI 10.3280/POLI2014-004011
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The creation of university spin-off companies (USOs) is one of the most visible form of commercialization of university research. To date, there is scant and mixed evidence about USOs and their performance, thus producing a debate about their impact on the economy and society and about the legitimization of policies to support their development. In this paper, we address this gap by providing evidence about the growth strategies and performances of USOs in the Italian context. We analyze the population of nine hundred thirty-five USOs spin-off from Italian public universities since 2000, highlighting potential avenues for future research on this important topic.

Keywords: University spin-offs, USOs, academic entrepreneurship, growth strategies, performance

Jel codes: M13, L26, O32

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Daniela Bolzani, Riccardo Fini, Rosa Grimaldi, Maurizio Sobrero, University spin-offs and their impact: longitudinal evidence from Italy in "ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE " 4/2014, pp 237-263, DOI: 10.3280/POLI2014-004011