Education in the Age of AI: Perceptions, Challenges and Opportunities for Italian Teachers

Author/s Valentina Toci, Paola Nencioni, Francesca Rossi
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/2
Language English Pages 16 P. 56-71 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess2-2024oa18440
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This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in Italian education, focusing on the perceptions of teachers involved in the European AI4T project. The analysis, based on a mixed approach, shows initial optimism towards the possibilities offered by AI, such as recognition of learning and automation of tasks. However, concerns also emerge about ethical issues such as privacy, responsibility for choices made and the impoverishment of interpersonal relationships. Despite the fact that AI is recognized as useful for simplifying administrative and teaching tasks, teachers consider it essential to maintain the human element in the educational process. The contribution invites reflection on the need for ethical regulation and ongoing literacy for responsible use of AI.

Keywords: ; Artificial intelligence; Education; Teachers; Perceptions; Ethics

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Valentina Toci, Paola Nencioni, Francesca Rossi, Education in the Age of AI: Perceptions, Challenges and Opportunities for Italian Teachers in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 2/2024, pp 56-71, DOI: 10.3280/ess2-2024oa18440