Ugo Fratesi, Guido Pellegrini

Territorio, istituzioni, crescita.

Scienze regionali e sviluppo del paese

Una selezione dei contributi più significativi della XXXIII conferenza scientifica annuale dell’AISRe. Il testo analizza il ruolo delle regioni nei processi di crescita, anche alla luce dell’attuale situazione economica italiana e della crisi in corso. L’insieme degli studi presentati si focalizza sui meccanismi di crescita, gli stessi che possono innescare la ripresa, mostrandone la base territoriale.

cod. 1390.50

Lucia Piscitello, Grazia D. Santangelo

Multinationals and Local Competitiveness

The book offers an overview of the economic research dealing with the process of firms’ internationalisation and the impact of multinationals’ activity on local competitiveness, by presenting a set of theoretical and empirical contributions characterised by high methodological rigour and scientific excellence. This volume is the fifth of an ongoing series that aims at handing down to the readers the wealth of theoretical and empirical contributions stemming from DIG Lunch Seminars.

cod. 380.351

Simona Iammarino, Grazia D. Santangelo

Investimenti diretti esteri e sistemi regionali nel processo di integrazione europea. Un'indagine preliminare sulle regioni italiane


Fascicolo: 109 / 2001

The analysis of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the EU regions has shown some changes in both the sectoral composition and in the geographical orientation of productive investments operated by MNEs. Such variations may be attributable, at least to some extent, to factors such as the “deepening” of the integration process in the second half of the 1980s and the early 1990s and the change in the location strategies of MNEs. Assuming regions as units of analysis with regard to economic integration, this paper provides a first description of where and in which sectors FDI are located in Italy, by carrying out a simple analysis at regional level in the period 1985-1995. It attempts to shed some light on the characteristic features of Italian regional systems in order to assess their degree of attractiveness for FDI. The geographical distribution of foreign plants in Italy emphasises the historical imbalances affecting the country, stressing the concentration of FDI in a few advanced regions and the marginalisation of the Italian Mezzogiorno. Furthermore, the analysis turns to investigate whether FDI follows regional specialisation models by distinguishing between EU and non-EU FDI in sectoral and geographical terms. EU investors turn out to be increasingly related to the sectoral comparative advantages of regional economic systems, whilst the matching between the specialisation of non-EU FDI and that of local firms is relatively less pronounced.