L’effetto dell’esperienza della malattia sulla valutazione degli stati di salute

Autori/Curatori Carmela Di Mauro, Daniela Giammanco, Eleonora Miano
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/5-6
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 24 P. 19-42 Dimensione file 610 KB
DOI 10.3280/EP2008-005002
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L’effetto dell’esperienza della malattia sulla valutazione degli stati di salute - The issue of how respondents’ characteristics influence preference-based valuations of health states has been addressed by the literature with a particular emphasis on the analysis of the effects of experience of illness. This study investigates the impact of experience of illness and of current health state on valuations provided by patients through three techniques, Standard Gamble, Rating Scale, and Time Trade-Off. This analysis complements the existing literature on the duration of illness and on adaptive behaviour, and sheds light on the way experience may affect health valuation according to the technique adopted. We use responses from 130 interviews administered to consecutively admitted patients of two cardiology units. Results show that the impact of the time elapsed since diagnosis is technique-specific: only in Standard Gamble estimates we find evidence that, the further away in time is the diagnosis, the lower the utility of the state.;

Carmela Di Mauro, Daniela Giammanco, Eleonora Miano, L’effetto dell’esperienza della malattia sulla valutazione degli stati di salute in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 5-6/2008, pp 19-42, DOI: 10.3280/EP2008-005002