La creatività fra tecnologia e management: riflessioni sul caso Pixar

Titolo Rivista IKON
Autori/Curatori Maria Chiara de Leonardis
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2006/53
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 41 P. 323-363 Dimensione file 694 KB
DOI 10.3280/IKR2006-053012
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FrancoAngeli è membro della Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA)associazione indipendente e non profit per facilitare (attraverso i servizi tecnologici implementati da l’accesso degli studiosi ai contenuti digitali nelle pubblicazioni professionali e scientifiche

La creatività fra tecnologia e management: riflessioni sul caso Pixar - A new digital language of extreme technological refinement, able to tell stories of great emotional impact, has been generated by computer animation. Pixar Animation Studios is a production company that in few years has given a considerable push to 3D animation: they use the new technologies giving always a great importance to story. Their huge success attracted more and more the attention of a world- wide colossus like the Disney, who proposed different deals for coproduction and distribution. After various events, on January 24th, 2006, the Mouse House acquired Pixar, with an operation of 7,4 billions dollars, and offered to Pixar leaders (Steve Jobs and John Lasseter) key roles in Disney company. This union can be defined a convenience wedding: in fact, Disney has incorporated a production company that during the last few years has obtained enormous hits at the box office; Pixar has guaranteed the association to one of the stronger brands and the biggest distribution forces in the world of entertainment. Pixar case history shows that the core element in the economy of the entertainment, what really makes the difference and brings to success, is the creative element: technology and management must be at its service.;

Maria Chiara de Leonardis, La creatività fra tecnologia e management: riflessioni sul caso Pixar in "IKON" 53/2006, pp 323-363, DOI: 10.3280/IKR2006-053012