
Titolo Rivista DiPAV - QUADERNI
Autori/Curatori Ugo Savardi
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/19
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 2 P. 7-8 Dimensione file 76 KB
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Working values represent an important aspect of the system of needs, wishes and goals which characterize attitudes towards work. This research analyses differences in work values and the mutual perceptions of these differences in a multicultural group of 200 workers, at the interpersonal and inter-group levels. The study points out the role of work values in emphasizing or in decreasing the social distance perception between individuals and groups; at the same time, it underlines the role of work and of work values in integration processes.;

Ugo Savardi, Presentazione in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 19/2007, pp 7-8, DOI: