Origini e sfide della politica regionale comunitaria: dagli studi preliminari all’Atto unico europeo (1957-1986)

Autori/Curatori Laura Grazi
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/30
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 11 P. 47-57 Dimensione file 92 KB
DOI 10.3280/MER2009-030005
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Origins and Challenges of the EEC Regional Policy: from preliminary studies to the Single European Act (1957-1986) - The article describes the different stages which marked the elaboration of the EEC regional policy starting from the preliminary studies in the Sixties to the formal inclusion of this domain in the Single European Act (1986). The creation of the European Regional Development Fund (1975) and its reforms are crucial events in the definition of the EEC regional policy which highlight the slow and difficult passage from a system redistributing money among Member States to the launch of new form of supranational territorial solidarity. The ERDF, that was initially linked to the need to rearrange the financial benefits of membership/accession to the EEC for some members States (in particular, Italy and Great Britain), was later rearranged in order to allow more autonomous policy choices at the Community level (Community programmes). The Integrated Mediterranean Programmes, adopted in the Eighties, are the symbol of this new approach because they linked EEC regional measures to common problems arising from economic integration and increased the coordinating functions of the Commission.

Parole chiave: Politica regionale della CEE, Commissione europea, Economie regionali, FESR, Programmi comunitari, PIM EEC Regional Policy; European Commission, Regional Economies, European Regional Development Fund, Community Programmes, Integrated Mediterranean Programmes;

Laura Grazi, Origini e sfide della politica regionale comunitaria: dagli studi preliminari all’Atto unico europeo (1957-1986) in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 30/2009, pp 47-57, DOI: 10.3280/MER2009-030005