"Oltre" la discriminazione: legittima differenziazione e divieti di discriminazione

Autori/Curatori Ornella La Tegola
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/123
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 45 P. 471-515 Dimensione file 502 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2009-123005
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"Oltre" la discriminazione: legittima differenziazione e divieti di discriminazione - The second generation anti-discrimination legislation provides that a difference of treatment, based on a characteristic related to any of the grounds referred to in the law shall not constitute discrimination when, by reason of the nature of the particular occupational activities concerned or of the context in which they are carried out, such a characteristic constitutes a genuine and determining occupational requirement, provided that the objective is legitimate and the requirement is proportionate. According to the European Directives, occupational requirements are external cases to the discrimination because they refer to the concrete possibility of carrying out work activity. The A. verifies the correct implementation of such Directives in the Italian legal system, with regard to external cases to discrimination.;

Keywords:Prohibition of discrimination; Cases of different legal treatment with regard to direct discrimination; Cases of different legal treatment with regard to indirect discrimination; Field of application of the prohibition of discrimination; Grounds of discrimination referred to in the law; Different treatment based on a characteristic related to any of the grounds referred to in the law; Occupational requirements.

Ornella La Tegola, "Oltre" la discriminazione: legittima differenziazione e divieti di discriminazione in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 123/2009, pp 471-515, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2009-123005