Governance elements of lifelong learning: the study Circles model

Author/s Gerardo Pastore
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/4
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 121-136 File size 499 KB
DOI 10.3280/SA2011-004008
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By more than a decade scholars, politicians and experts discuss participatory democracy and engage in the theorization of the Governance models that can increase citizens’ decision making processes. Hence the dissemination of "best practices" political, administrative, social to overcome the democratic deficit that seems to characterize contemporary societies and to combat the rampant anti-political attitudes, as well as antisocial. The article identifies a common purpose between participatory practices, active citizenship and the wider process of building the knowledge society. Starting from the consideration of the strategic role of lifelong learning, a monographic in-depth focusing on study circles is offered, as a training practice called to play key functions in the construction of active citizenship and in the creation of spaces for the promotion of participation and democratic culture.

Keywords: Lifelong learning, participation, training

Gerardo Pastore, Elementi per una Governance del lifelong learning: il modello dei Circoli di studio in "RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE" 4/2011, pp 121-136, DOI: 10.3280/SA2011-004008