Supercausalità, ipnosi e decision making

Titolo Rivista IPNOSI
Autori/Curatori Antonella Vannini, Ulisse di Corpo
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2012/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 55-70 Dimensione file 489 KB
DOI 10.3280/IPN2012-002004
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In 1942 the mathematician Luigi Fantappiè formulated the theory of syntropy starting from the negative solution of the equation linking relativity and quantum mechanics. The negative solution had been rejected by physicists as it describes energy and matter moving backwards in time. However, Fantappiè noticed that this solution is characterized by the properties of concentration of energy and matter, differentiation, complexity, formation of structures and evolution towards order. Since these properties coincide with the typical properties of living systems, Fantappiè came to the conclusion that life demonstrates the actual existence in nature of the negative solution and that life itself is a result of causes located in the future. This innovative model offers an explanation of the fundamental distinction between "problem solving" and "decision making", according to which problem solving is based on information and knowledge acquired in the past, whereas decision-making is based on intuitions and emotional signals from the future. Ericksonian Hypnosis, together with the syntropy model of Luigi Fantappiè, offers a way to bring the insight and resources of the unconscious mind into decision making.;

Keywords:Sintropia, supercausalità, coscienza, decision making, problem solving.

Antonella Vannini, Ulisse di Corpo, Supercausalità, ipnosi e decision making in "IPNOSI" 2/2012, pp 55-70, DOI: 10.3280/IPN2012-002004