The assessment of sexual attraction, types of attraction and inter-individual variability

Author/s Chiara Buizza, Paola Mazzardi, Vera Pagani, Alberto Ghilardi
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 31-48 File size 137 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSC2015-002002
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Sexual attraction has always been considered a synonym or an element of sexual orientation, and it has rarely been treated has a phenomenon that deserved to be studied separately. This study starts from the consideration that sexual attraction and sexual orientation are independent constructs and that, therefore, the separate assessment of the sexual attraction could have important implications both clinically and in research context. In order to investigate the sexual attraction it was used a multidimensional questionnaire - the Sexual Attraction Questionnaire - of which it was proposed an Italian adaptation on an adult population. As evidenced by this article the questionnaire is a useful instrument to promote greater scientific understanding and a deeper clinical evaluation of individual processes underlying the sexual attraction.

Keywords: Sexual attraction, sexuality, questionnaire, types of sexual attraction, individual differences, multidimensionality

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Chiara Buizza, Paola Mazzardi, Vera Pagani, Alberto Ghilardi, La valutazione dell’attrazione sessuale, tipologie di attrazione e variabilità inter-individuale in "RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA" 2/2015, pp 31-48, DOI: 10.3280/RSC2015-002002