La socialdemocracia alemana y el movimiento sindical portugués. De la Revolución a la creación de la Ugt (1974-1979)

Autori/Curatori Antonio Muñoz Sánchez
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/44
Lingua Spagnolo Numero pagine 23 P. 106-128 Dimensione file 204 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2019-044006
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The paper deals with the support of the German Social Democracy to the Portuguese trade union movement during the transition to democracy. It shows how after the Revolution the Ebert Foundation extended to the trade unions its successful cooperation with the Socialist Party and by this replaced the Icftu, which up to that moment had fruitlessly led European initiatives aimed to strengthen moderates and avoid the communist dominance in the single trade union confederation, Intersindical. The author holds the thesis, provisional due to the inaccessibility of Portuguese sources, that the Ebert Foundation was fundamental for the defi nitive consolidation of the socialist union movement that led to the creation of a new trade union confederation, the Ugt.

Keywords:Trade unions, socialism, communism, transition to democracy, Portugal, Germany

Antonio Muñoz Sánchez, La socialdemocracia alemana y el movimiento sindical portugués. De la Revolución a la creación de la Ugt (1974-1979) in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 44/2019, pp 106-128, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2019-044006