Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Simonetta Armondi, Alessandro Balducci, Martina Bovo, Beatrice Galimberti
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/97 Suppl.
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 154-159 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/tr2021-097-Supplementooa12940
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This contribution offers an interview with two anthropologists: Frédéric Keck, director of the Laboratoryof Social Anthropology (cnrs-Collège de Franceehess) and Andrew Lakoff, professor of Sociology and Communication (University of Southern California).They have long wondered about the relationship between public action, emergency and the construction of biosecurity devices, focusing on the construction of preparedness.It seems a perspective of great interest to understand thelimits and possibilities of taking a preparedness approach in the fields of urban planning and policy.
Simonetta Armondi, Alessandro Balducci, Martina Bovo, Beatrice Galimberti, Una tecnologia per l’immaginazione. Preparedness, pianificazione e politiche urbane. Intervista a Frédéric Keck e in "TERRITORIO" 97 Suppl./2021, pp 154-159, DOI: 10.3280/tr2021-097-Supplementooa12940