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Performing the social

A cura di: Claudio Bernardi, Giulia Innocenti Malini

Performing the social

Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre

Although belonging to the wider family of applied theatre, social theatre has some specific historical, methodological and contextual characteristics. This book explores the whys and wherefores of social theatre with particular attention to Italy. It is structured around two types of contribution. One comes from the interventions of some of the speakers at the International Conference Performing the Social. Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre, held in Milan on 20-21 September 2019. The second part is a more direct result of the Research Project of National Relevance (PRIN) of social theatre in the fields of education, health and inclusion.

Pagine: 196

ISBN: 9788835122258

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Codice editore: 10031.1

Informazioni sugli open access

Although belonging to the wider family of applied theatre, social theatre has some specific historical, methodological and contextual characteristics. When taking part in social theatre, people, groups and even larger, more recognisable social systems actively transform and improve their lifeworlds through their direct involvement in theatrical, ludic, festive and performative practices. The actors', authors' and spectators' participation in such cultural practices - combined with powerful representations, actions and relationships - leads to symbolic inner growth and regeneration in the social body.
This book, which opens with an introduction by Claudio Bernardi, explores the whys and wherefores of social theatre with particular attention to Italy. It is structured around two types of contribution. One comes from the interventions of some of the speakers at the International Conference Performing the Social. Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre, held in Milan on 20-21 September 2019.
They are Isabel Bezelga, Marco De Marinis, David Le Breton, Tim Prentki, Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Diana Taylor, James Thompson and Emmanuel Wallon.
The second part is a more direct result of the Research Project of National Relevance (PRIN) with the same title; namely the application of social theatre in the fields of education, health and inclusion.
The authors of these essays are Carla Bino, Roberta Carpani, Livia Cavaglieri, Guido Di Palma, Fabrizio Fiaschini, Roberta Gandolfi, Giulia Innocenti Malini, Stefano Locatelli, Alberto Pagliarino, Alessandro Pontremoli, Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione.

Claudio Bernardi, professor of Performing Arts at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Brescia, is one of the leading social theatre theorists and was the Principal Investigator of the PRIN (Research Project of National Relevance) Performing the Social. Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre.

Giulia Innocenti Malini
, a social theatre expert, coordinates the Advanced Training Course for Social Theatre Operators, teaches Social Theatre and leads the Theatre and Performance Workshop at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. She provides training in leading social theatre groups and runs social theatre workshops in the fields of psychiatry and prison.

Notes on Translations
Mimma Gallina, Oliviero Ponte di Pino, Foreword
Claudio Bernardi, Prologue
First Act. Theatre and Society
David Le Breton, From the Theatre Scene to the World Scene: the Multiplicity of the Bodies. The Theatre Changes Lives
Emmanuel Wallon, Putting Public Space into Perspective in the Performing Arts and Street Arts
Marco De Marinis, From the Theatre As a Cure to the Politics of Performance, Passing Through Social Theatre
Second Act. Social and Political Performing Arts
Giulia Innocenti Malini, Social Theatre. Brief Phenomenology of a Plural, Polycentric and Participatory Performativity
Isabel Bezelga, Community Theatre Diversity: Connections Between Portugal and Brazil
Diana Taylor, The Political Lives of Performance
Third Act. Performing the Social: Education
Pier Cesare Rivoltella, The Change of Paradigm in the System of Education
Guido Di Palma, Roberta Carpani, Schools and Theatre Pedagogies
Livia Cavaglieri, Alberto Pagliarino, Social Theatre in Italian Universities
Fourth Act. Performing the Social: Care
Alessandro Pontremoli, Performing Arts and the Promotion of Health
Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, Theatre and Health: Origins, Areas and Perspectives
James Thompson, Care Aesthetics in Time of COVID-19
Fifth Act. Performing the Social: Social Inclusion
Tim Prentki, The Play's the Thing: Towards an Aesthetics of Engagement. Carving Our Futures from a Tombstone
Fabrizio Fiaschini, Roberta Gandolfi, Socially Engaged Theatre and Performance in Italy: Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics
Carla Bino, Stefano Locatelli, Performing Communities. Italian Experiences and Challenges
Giulia Innocenti Malini, Epilogue
The Authors.

Contributi: Claudio Bernardi, Isabel Bezelga, Carla Bino, Roberta Carpani, Livia Cavaglieri, Marco De Marinis, Guido Di Palma, Fabrizio Fiaschini, Roberta Gandolfi, Giulia Innocenti Malini, David Le Breton, Stefano Locatelli, Alberto Pagliarino, Alessandro Pontremoli, Tim Prentki, Pier Cesare Rivoltella

Collana: Lo spettacolo dal vivo. Per una cultura dell'innovazione - Open Access

Argomenti: Comunicazione

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