La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 40 titoli

Giuseppe Moro, Donatella Pacelli

Europa e società civile.

Esperienze italiane a confronto. Vol. I

Partendo dall’ipotesi che la costruzione sociale dell’Europa avviene a vari livelli e che per ciascuno è individuabile un contributo potenziale ed effettivo proveniente dal basso, il volume vuole indagare il ruolo della società civile italiana nel complesso processo di europeizzazione.

cod. 1571.6

Giuseppina Cersosimo

Images, perceptions and representations of choosing where, how and when to die


Fascicolo: 1En / 2011

The aim of this research is to explore the theme of death using qualitative study tools as part of the general design, in order to investigate two main issues: an ethical and value funded perspective, connected to the "meanings" and values, regarding the internal and personal experience of the respondents, as well as a practical-behaviour, expressing the choices made by people about their own lives. The key respondents in the survey were physicians, as well as ill and healthy citizens, both male and female. They were all from different educational backgrounds, as well as locations (north, centre, south of Italy). The final report reaffirms the awareness of human finitude as well as a frequent personal aspiration to go beyond that. The main outcomes of study outline the dichotomies of life, death, illness, health, and how their symbolic declinations form the basis upon which the term self-determination can be traced. Thus, they become the semantic device through which it is possible to express ideas and opinions in relation to the context in which people live. There is no evidence that there is an area in the country, more or less emancipated on the themes of death. In addition, education and gender do not seem to influence the way death and right to die are perceived.

Giuseppina Cersosimo, Carmine Clemente



Fascicolo: 1En / 2011

Giuseppina Cersosimo, Carmine Clemente



Fascicolo: 1 / 2011

Carmine Clemente, Giuseppina Cersosimo

The pre-chosen death.

End of life arrangements and instructions

Today the law bridges the legislative void in relation to the end of life, while the role of ethics seems to become less significant in the effort to highlight the compliance of science with the problems and objectives of human existence. Some of the possible answers to these themes as well as Advance Treatment Directives are presented in this volume.

cod. 1341.42

Carmine Clemente, Giuseppina Cersosimo

La fine pre-scelta.

Forme e disposizioni sulla propria morte

Oggi, in materia di fine vita, il diritto supplisce al vuoto legislativo e il ruolo dell’etica sembra affievolirsi nel cercare di rispondere sull’adeguatezza della scienza rispetto ai problemi e fini dell’esistenza. A questi temi il volume offre delle risposte che tengono conto dell’ampliamento delle preferenze, degli stili di vita, ma anche delle insicurezze sociali che caratterizzano l’attuale società.

cod. 1341.41

Il volume affronta il tema della salute in un’ottica interdisciplinare, con l’obiettivo di offrire al lettore una visione “allargata” sul tema e proporre come prospettiva la costruzione di un ambiente dialogico, al cui centro viene posta la persona e non l’organizzazione dei servizi o la malattia.

cod. 1341.1.28

Il volume si sofferma sulle dimensioni teoriche della Narrative-Based Medicine e sugli aspetti applicativi. Oltre a riflessioni sulle categorie a base di questo importante filone di pensiero, il testo si rivolge anche alle rappresentazioni sociali di malattia in rapporto all’agire individuale e alle narrazioni psichiatriche. Vengono inoltre mostrate analisi condotte in ambiti di sicura originalità, come le medicine alternative.

cod. 1341.34

Giuseppina Cersosimo

L’etica in sanità: empowerment, partecipazione e informazione dei cittadini. Quali sviluppi?


Fascicolo: 89 / 2009

Ethics in Health Care: Citizens’ Empowerment, Participation and Information. Roads to development? - The article underlines how techniques, rules, rights and ethics constitute, or could, a set of requirements and conditions needed to give shape to a legitimate clinical experimentation on human beings and, in particular, on subjects considered vulnerable. The article focuses on the relation between doctors, researchers, bio-ethic experts, lawyers, pharmaceutical promoters and citizens. It presents the heterogeneous knowledge and interests in ethical issues regarding health care, with overlapping of equity and equality in terms of access to clinical experimentation, as well as citizens’ difficulty in comprehending clinical experimentation and its effects. Finally, the study conducted with the focus group technique leads to a model that allows citizens and non-specialists to talk about participation and responsibility regarding clinical experimentation.

Giuseppina Cersosimo

Innovazione ed efficacia: il coinvolgimento del sociologo in una Divisione di Medicina Interna


Fascicolo: Suppl. 3 / 2009

Innovazione ed efficacia: il coinvolgimento del sociologo in una Divisione di Medicina Interna - Sociologists’ work in hospitals has some deep historical roots, as it is shown by the studies of Goffman, Garfinkel or Strauss. This article points out that the involvement and the capability of health sociologists may result in good ouputs in a division of internal medicine. The sociologist in health setting is needed for civic empowerment, proposals and promotion. Moreover, the medical sociologist creates connections between different resources for individual or collective projects, as also for preventive or innovative undertakings.

Keywords: innovation, effectivness, sociologist of health, empowerment, prevention, hospital.

Parole chiave: innovazione, efficacia, sociologo della salute, responsabilità, prevenzione, ospedale.

Siss-Società italiana di sociologia della salute

Essere e Fare il sociologo in sanità

“Essere e Fare” per il sociologo sono le direttrici lungo le quali si è mossa la Società Italiana di Sociologia della Salute, al fine di riaggregare le diverse anime dei sociologi che lavorano nella Sanità, per sviluppare una strategia operativa capace di rafforzare consapevolezze, estendere conoscenze, costruire strumenti di integrazione…

cod. 1341.32

Giuseppina Cersosimo

Sviluppi sostenibili. Valorizzazione delle risorse territoriali nel Mediterraneo


Fascicolo: 85 / 2008

The valorisation of territorial resources in the Mediterranean: areas and perspectives of development - Tourism is a key concept for many people when they think about Mediterranean localities and their development; however, the valorisation process of such areas is complex and not straightforward at all. This article illustrates a project of sustainable development and rehabilitation of territorial resources by exploring issues such as the role of memory in society, the function of oblivion and remembrance in innovation, and the issue and the importance of social networks; all of them are vital factors in the valorisation of the very often neglected or undervalued resources of the Mediterranean localities.

Giuseppina Cersosimo

Donne, alcol, riabilitazione: la rilevanza delle reti sociali


Fascicolo: 85 / 2008

Women, alcohol, rehabilitation: the importance of the social networks This article introduces the results of a survey conducted in Irpinia, focusing on the importance of both functional and dysfunctional aspects of social networks. Among other results, interviews highlighted the fact that the number of relationships established by women may in some cases guarantee rehabilitation and re-socialization to «normality» of everyday life. On the contrary, in other cases social networks are expression of a contradictory and ambivalent dimension, needed but at the same time objectively «oppressive» and consequently both loved and hated.

Giuseppina Cersosimo

Telemedicina e innovazioni negli interventi per la salute


Fascicolo: Suppl. 3 / 2004

Cersosimo analizes telemedicine’s developement and its consequences in medical practice along three dimensions: patient/physician relationship; human body representations and perceptions of illness. Telemedicine (and its computerization) is considered the answer to the crisis of traditional medicine even if such a new order has to face and to contrast the digital divide.

Tullia Saccheri

Prima che.

Promozione della salute e responsabilità istituzionali

cod. 1341.6