The pre-chosen death.

A cura di: Carmine Clemente, Giuseppina Cersosimo

The pre-chosen death.

End of life arrangements and instructions

Today the law bridges the legislative void in relation to the end of life, while the role of ethics seems to become less significant in the effort to highlight the compliance of science with the problems and objectives of human existence. Some of the possible answers to these themes as well as Advance Treatment Directives are presented in this volume.

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788856838282

Edition: 1a edizione 2011

Publisher code: 1341.42

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788856865028

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Publisher code: 1341.42

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Both health-care professionals and academics have yet to reach a common ground on the topic of the end-of-life. Politics which normally deals with diverging social claims and struggles to meet social "consensus", does not take a clear-cut position on issues referring to the fundamental right to life, health and human dignity. The law bridges the legislative void in relation to the end of life, while the role of ethics seems to become less significant in the effort to highlight the compliance of science with the problems and objectives of human existence.
Some of the possible answers to these themes as well as Advance Treatment Directives are presented in this volume. They are considered from different perspectives and moral approaches, in a society that is characterised by an increasing number of preferences, life-styles but also of social uncertainties. It expresses a new concept of subjectivity and claims, on the basis of a new autonomistic rationalism, more individualism, more freedom and more self-determination in all the spheres of life.

Carmine Clemente is a Researcher and Professor of Sociology of Health at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro". He is the Chairman of the interfaculty University Master Degree in "Sociology of Health and Health and Care Management". He is the author of several publications on health issues, among which, La salute tra assetti sociali e organizzazioni sanitarie (2010).
Giuseppina Cersosimo is Researcher and Professor of Sociology and Sociology of Health and Care Planning" at the University of Salerno. She is the author of several publications on the topics of health and illness, between these, Hygeia. Percorsi di sociologia della salute e della medicina (2008).

Tullio Seppilli, Editorial
Giuseppina Cersosimo, Carmine Clemente, Introduction
Francesco Bellino, Eubiosia and life ending bioethics
Carmine Clemente, New values and social rights around life and death
Guido Giarelli, End-of-life decisions between inner reflexivity and care relationship: notes for a research design
Massimo Gandolfini, Physiopathology of coma and the vegetative state. Scientific aspects and bioethical choices
Alfredo Montagna, Law between life and death
Roberto Scalon, End of life arrangements
Francesco D'Agostino, Maria Rosaria San Giorgio, Paolo De Nardis, Pier Paolo Donadio, Round table
Giuseppina Cersosimo, Images, perceptions and representations of choosing where, how and when to die
Mario Riccio, When the patient requests the end of his/her life
Alberto Bondolfi, The recent debite and advance directives in Switzerland
Alessandra Sannella, Switzerland as a lighthouse for living will
Maria Benedetta Saponaro, The last choice and the lost relationship
Costantino Cipolla, Linda Lombi, From "characterized" preventions to coordinated and sequential intervention within drugs cycle
Stefano Tomelleri, Letters to the editor.

Contributors: Francesco Bellino, Alberto Bondolfi, Costantino Cipolla, Massimo Gandolfini, Guido Giarelli, Linda Lombi, Alfredo Montagna, Mario Riccio, Alessandra Sannella, Maria Benedetta Saponaro, Roberto Scalon, Tullio Seppilli, Stefano Tomelleri

Serie: Salute e Società

Subjects: Health Sociology - Sociology of Cultural Processes

Level: Scholarly Research

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