La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 92 titoli

Giuseppe Scidà, Enzo Rullani, Gabriele Pollini, Domenico Tosini, Massimo Pendenza, Giuseppe Giordano, Maria Golinelli, Leonardo Becchetti, Roberto Cartocci, Valerio Vanelli, Rosangela Lodigiani, Giorgio Gosetti



Fascicolo: 102 / 2006

Giorgio Gosetti

Capitale sociale e significati del lavoro dei giovani: elementi per una relazione


Fascicolo: 102 / 2006

The essay presents firstly the elements which constitute the concept of social capital we privilege in this contest, dwelling upon dimensions and levels they are composed of. Secondly it reports the results of a research conducted on young people living in the cities of Bologna and Trento about job meanings, the process of production of these meanings, and factors influencing their elaboration. The sociological perspective of research adopted, paying attention to the social construction of meanings, make it possible to point out how the social capital resources are often connected with the ways to relate to the job typical of the young people.

C.I.Do.S.Pe.L., Michele La Rosa

Bologna 2004.

Secondo Rapporto sulla città

cod. 1529.2.86

Giorgio Gosetti, Elena Nardi

Laureati e contesto sociale di provenienza


Fascicolo: 94 / 2004

Graduate people and their social context of origin This contribute concerns the existing relationship between social context of origin of graduate people and some of their choices. In particular, in the first part they illustrate the most important elements of the interpretative frame, explaining, under the conceptual profile, the main components of the social context of origin: they suppose that in this occasion the living contest and the original family could be considered particularly relevant. They also formulate some considerations on the relation existing between social context, stratification and social mobility. In the second part they consider available data referring to the geographic area of origin and on socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the family of origin. More, informations about parents profession and their educational qualifications allow the definition of social class indicator. Finally, variables describing objectively the characteristics of the family of origin of graduate people are used to suppose the possible relationship between social context of origin and some choices and behavioural dimensions like the specific curriculum, abroad studies experiences, success in studies, job experience during studying period and geographic mobility for studies.

Andrea Cammelli, Michele La Rosa

I laureati in Italia.

Le indagini di AlmaLaurea su scelte formative, orientamento al lavoro e occupabilità

cod. 1529.94

Tullia Saccheri

Prima che.

Promozione della salute e responsabilità istituzionali

cod. 1341.6

C.I.Do.S.Pe.L., Michele La Rosa

Bologna 2002.

Primo rapporto sulla città

cod. 1529.2.61

Paolo Zurla

Giovani alla ricerca della società.

Indagine sugli studenti universitari di primo anno di Scienze politiche e di Scienze politiche e di scienze dell'educazione

cod. 1529.2.19