Due generazioni di architetti e di storici si confrontano con la figura, il pensiero e l’opera di Ernesto Nathan Rogers. I ricordi e le riflessioni degli allievi di Rogers si intrecciano con le ricerche inedite di giovani studiosi che guardano con rinnovato interesse alla sua esperienza e alla sua lezione.

cod. 1098.2.19

The fourteen critical essays included in the book explore the work of architects who have significantly interpreted the layering of history and memory in the contemporary context. The volume aims at critically reflecting on the work of these protagonists of the international architecture culture, who have lectured within the Mantovarchitettura programme and fostered the debate between professional experience and university teaching.

cod. 70.11

Luca Cardani

Mantova Cattedra Unesco

Ricerche e progetti per le città patrimonio dell'umanità

Il volume raccoglie i progetti sviluppati nell’ambito della Cattedra Unesco in “Pianificazione e tutela architettonica nelle città patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità” e mostra come l’attività scientifica possa avere un ruolo centrale sia nell’orientamento delle scelte strategiche degli operatori pubblici e privati, sia nella progettazione di un futuro sostenibile per il patrimonio, le città e le comunità.

cod. 70.9

Luigi Spinelli

Spaces of Memory

Commentaries on 21st Century Buildings

In the form of an anthology of critical texts focused on the work of a selection of contemporary architects, this volume was conceived as an occasion to raise some questions about the relationship with the past. The selected works refer to the many and etherogeneous protagonists of international architecture who have lectured within the MantovArchitettura programme, a cultural project organized by the University to foster the exploration of the relationships between Architectural Design and History.

cod. 70.7

Matteo Moscatelli

Architecture in Shanghai

History, Culture and Identity

By exploring the ongoing evolution of some strategic areas and the experiences of selected architects – Atelier Deshaus, Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects and Original Design Studio –, the book analyses the fields, the reasons and the modalities of the transformations in contemporary Shangai, and outlines the raise of a counter-trend emerging from the most recent interventions on both existing and new buildings, which are experimenting with new relationships with the local history, cultural heritage and urban identity.

cod. 70.6

Progetto e paesaggio sono il prodotto della cultura soggettiva, una modalità di percepire e rappresentare i luoghi interpretata dalla nostra predisposizione e personalità, costruita sulla nostra conoscenza ed esperienza. Per dirla con Le Corbusier, «Un luogo o un paesaggio non esistono se non per come li vedono i nostri occhi».

cod. 330.4

Federico Bucci

The Italian Debate 1940s-1950s.

An Anthology

The book unfolds the lessons of four masters of Italian Modern Architecture – Franco Albini, Ignazio Gardella, Luigi Moretti and Ernesto Nathan Rogers – through their own words or those of preeminent scholars who have investigated their theoretical and professional work, with the aim to offer an insight on their key role in the development of the 1940s and 1950s architecture culture as well as to promote the ideas and visions which fostered contemporary architectural design.

cod. 70.4