Angela Mariani, Simona Monteleone, Donatella Privitera

Crowdfunding as social innovation practice: Experiences in Italy


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

The field of social innovation is broad and, among the several examples, crowdfunding is a promising new financing model that could enhance a society’s ability to find solutions to ensure a socially and environmental sustainable growth. The aim of this paper is to deepen the analysis using as case studies the experience of two recently launched crowdfunding platforms specialized in territorial and social-oriented projects in Southern Italy - Meridonare and Laboriusa. In order to outline funders’ profile and motivations, an online survey was conducted among those who backed projects. Our results show that the opportunity to participate with limited monetary amounts may allow individuals, involved in social and cultural issues, to contribute to projects that can improve their own local community.

Azzurra Annunziata, Angela Mariani

The role of nutritional labeling in promoting healthier food choices: a review of the major issues in the EU


Fascicolo: 2 / 2016

As the widespread rapid growth of diet-related diseases becomes a major public concern, nutritional labeling is increasingly considered a potential tool to support the goal of changing unhealthy eating habits while retaining consumer freedom of choice. This paper aims to contribute to the institutional debate on the effectiveness of nutritional labeling on the back or front of packaging in promoting healthier food choices, focusing on the EU. The major issues detected and discussed are based on a literature review of recent studies that have examined the limits and potentials of such tools. Finally, we discuss other promising application fields of nutritional labeling, such as on alcoholic beverages and restaurant menus, and present some directions for further research.

Massimiliano Agovino, Antonio Garofalo, Angela Mariani

Urban Environmental Quality and Sustainable Food Sourcing: A Spatial Approach Using Italian Provincial Data


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

Environmental pollution affects human health and well-being, not only directly, but also indirectly due to its effects on food safety and urban and peri-urban agriculture. Proper indicators of urban environmental quality could improve the measurement of the health and well-being component of the Human Development Index. In this paper, by using the Legambiente Index and the Local Moran Transition Probability Matrix, we assess and compare the performance of Italian provinces’ in providing urban environmental quality. Results show a persistent dualism between Northern and Southern Italy and the absence of positive environmental spillover among neighboring provinces. In Southern Italy, policymakers should focus more on improving sustainable food sourcing for a more sustainable and resilient urban development.

Angela Mariani, Elena Viganò

Il Commercio Equo: un modello replicabile per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

This paper aims to discuss Fair Trade as an alternative economic model, that aims to help producers in developing countries to make better trading conditions and promote sustainability, enforceable in economic and social contexts other than its traditional scope. The paper analyzes the critical issues facing developing countries in their participation in international trade. It then describes the key elements of the Fair Trade and its main impact. Finally the working principles of Fair Trade which could be properly implemented in domestic food systems of developed countries are underlined.

Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Raul H. Green

Il mercato del vino.

Tendenze strutturali e strategie dei concorrenti

cod. 365.461

Elena Viganò, Angela Mariani, Chiara Taglioni, Biancamaria Torquati

Consumatori e canali alternativi per il biologico: il caso del Gruppo Organizzato di Domanda e Offerta di aiab-Umbria


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

The present paper shows the results of a research carried out on a particular alternative food channel - the Organised Demand and Supply Groups (godo) of Umbria (Italy) managed by the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (aiab). It is very interesting in terms of management, size (number of firms and consumers members involved) and relative growth rates. The analysis was carried out by systematising data and quantitative information available at godo and by administering questionnaires to consumers members in order to collect information about socio-economic characteristics and consumer behaviour. Then, the consumer profiles have been identified by the application of the Cluster Analysis. At last, the consumer profiles analysis has allowed us to formulate some suggestions in order to improve godo’s organization.