Anna Caffarena

Considerazioni sulla politica interna del mondo


Fascicolo: 3 / 2002

The essay is meant to discuss Luigi Bonanate’s proposal (put forward in a previous issue of the journal, XVII, n. 2) to rethink International Relations’ tasks leaving the old paradigms to take up the world domestic politics one. Describing shortly what respectively Habermas and Bonanate mean by this apparent paradox, the author stresses how this new way of looking at world politics helps to go over statocentrism and its corollary, i.e. the conception of international sphere as merely residual. Having rescued international politics from its "nothingness", and having specified that using this label does not imply that world politics has been civilized to resemble domestic politics, the world domestic politics proposal helps to take into account that spatial revolutions that globalization has produced. The effects of it and the way the (once) international space comes to be restructured are the topics on which the author tests the worth of this new approach to IR.

Anna Caffarena

Governare le onde

Le prospettive della cooperazione internazionale per l'ambiente

cod. 160.12

Luigi Bonanate, Anna Caffarena

Dopo l'anarchia

Saggi sul superamento dell'immagine anarchica delle relazioni internazionali e sul rischio di ricadervi

cod. 886.1