Technologies in training processes by radically modifying the relationship with (and between) knowledge, have determined the need to experiment with new methodological approaches to innovate didactic action, respond to subjective training needs, satisfy the ever increasing requests coming from the job market. In this paper, we want to deepen a particular action of this process, preliminary to the implementation phase of each training intervention. We refer to the needs analysis (NA) aimed at identifying training needs and requirements of the participants with respect to which to organize and modulate the contents and the didactic action. In the opinion of the author, already the NA, if accompanied by specific actions, can constitute an intentionally structured moment to enhance the effectiveness of training feedback in a diagnostic and self-assessment function and in this work we will describe an automated system designed and developed specifically for this purpose. To examine the application opportunities and to show the potential of the automated system, an experience will be presented that involved students attending the specialization course for educational support activities for pupils with disabilities held at the University of Salerno in the A.Y. 2022/2023.

Katia Sannicandro

Online Assessment

Valutazione degli apprendimenti nei corsi universitari a distanza

Negli ultimi anni si è adottata una visione di sistema nei processi formativi che ha fortemente influenzato e caratterizzato la valutazione nel contesto universitario. Abbiamo assistito alla diffusione di ricerche che hanno inteso rivedere modelli e orientamenti legati alla valutazione. L’obiettivo del volume è quello di riconoscere le potenziali sfide e le opportunità che i docenti e gli studenti possono incontrare nell’utilizzo delle risorse digitali e nello specifico nella valutazione online.

cod. 11096.18

Antonio Marzano, Sergio Miranda, Roberto Trinchero

Deep Understanding. Control of student understanding in university during distance and face-to-face learning


Fascicolo: 2 / 2021

The health emergency of 2020 has led many university professors to wonder about how to check that the information presented in their lessons generates a correct conceptual representation in their students and, above all, to ask themselves if they have carried out the right training actions capable of triggering what is called deep understanding, that is a set of cognitive processes that produce durable and meaningful learning. This paper describes two experiences conducted in two different Italian universities that have been designed and implemented precisely with these objectives. The achieved results are very encouraging and could represent a starting point to reflect on the methodologies, teaching practices and tools to be used in distance and face-to-face university courses.

Gaetano Domenici, Valeria Biasi

Atteggiamento scientifico e formazione dei docenti

Il volume si interroga su come promuovere un diffuso atteggiamento scientifico nell’operare degli insegnanti, favorendo, soprattutto attraverso la loro formazione iniziale e in servizio, le condizioni per lo sviluppo di un “abito mentale” – in senso deweyano – di tipo squisitamente scientifico.

cod. 1169.4