Roberta Capello, Laura Resmini

Teorie, modelli e metodi nelle scienze regionali italiane.

Vol. II. Struttura, dinamica e pianificazione dei sistemi urbani

A quarant’anni dalla fondazione dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRe), quest’antologia in due volumi – utilizzabile anche a fini didattici – ne ricostruisce la storia attraverso un’analisi della Collana edita da FrancoAngeli. Questo secondo volume è dedicato ai modelli di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e ai metodi di pianificazione urbana. Non esaustivi dell’intera produzione di idee e temi trattati in quest’ambito dagli scienziati regionali, i lavori testimoniano l’importanza che la multidisciplinarietà ha giocato all’interno dell’Associazione nello sviluppare strumenti concettuali di interpretazione della dinamica dei sistemi urbani.

cod. 1390.57

Aura Reggiani, Luca Zamparini

Evaluation of Infrastructure Investments: The Case of the Southern Italian Transport Network


Fascicolo: Suppl. 3 / 2010

The EU Community Support Framework (CSF), in the transport sector, aims at implementing a sustainable network characterised by a more balanced modal split and by integrated connectivity among the transport nodes. This study provides a concise description of the CSF, PON and POR programmes and tests - by means of a multicriteria approach - the degree of coherence among them. The results highlight that the strategy pursued during the 2001-2006 period sought to strengthen some priority nodes located in the TEN-T network and that there is a marked heterogeneity between the PON projects and the POR projects.

Aura Reggiani, Roberto Patuelli, Peter Nijkamp

The development of Regional employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments


Fascicolo: 3 / 2006

The development of Regional employment in Germany: Results from Neural Network Experiments (by Roberto Patuelli, Aura Reggiani, Peter Nijkamp) - ABSTRACT: This paper offers an overview of experimental results, based on neural networks (NNs) used to forecast regional employment variations in Germany. NNs are statistical optimization tools, whose main characteristics are non-linear data processing and the ability to find functional relationships within the data. We present the results – for a set of NN models – based on regional data concerning full-time employment in Germany. The database used in our experiments consists of two panels of 326 and 113 NUTS 3 districts, which represent West and East Germany, respectively. In order to forecast employment growth rates for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, NN models – also embedding shift-share analysis components – were developed and evaluated for West and East Germany. The paper concludes with theoretical, methodological and empirical observations in the light of future research developments.