Barbara Camocini, Annalisa Dominoni

Engaging Spaces

How to increase social awareness and human wellbeing through experience design

The book presents different perspectives of analysis and new models of experience, reconfirming the importance assigned to the wellbeing and human-centered approach in the contemporary spatial design disciplinary debate. The aim is to explore the transformation process which we are living, both in private and in public spaces, underlining the central role of design to define new qualities of connections to live together in relation with the space around us.

cod. 10319.16

Anna Barbara, Silvia Maria Gramegna

Time-Based Design Paradigms

The book explores the relationship between time and the design of spaces. The temporal dimension of spaces is a horizon that has yet to be strongly explored. In the future it is increasingly likely that it will be the forms of time, rather than those of space, that will undergo the most interesting transformations. The essays explore time: as measurements, adaptations/compositions, memories, machines and technologies, identities, narratives, sensitivities in an increasingly globalized and wrapped world.

cod. 10319.14

Barbara Camocini, Francesco Vergani

From Human-centered to More-than-Human Design

Exploring the transition

The environmental emergency of the last century has led to an urgent need to reformulate the predominant role of human beings on the planet by undertaking a less anthropocentric design approach. Within this theoretical framework, the book explores the role of Design as a multifaceted discipline capable of exploring the complexity of a changing world, and reconsiders the human being’s position in a pervasive relationship with the contemporary environments through a More-than-Human approach.

cod. 10319.11

Barbara Camocini, Davide Fassi

In the Neighbourhood.

Spatial Design and Urban Activation

Neighbourhoods of contemporary cities are ‘hypersensitive’ and ‘fragile’ areas where dismantling and transformation processes generate fragmentation and displacement. Reconstruction and re-occupation of urban spaces guided by residents are becoming increasingly frequent in these places. This book presents some reflections on the role of design discipline in this fertile and proactive context, proposing specific research methodologies and intervention strategies in close relation with the resident population, building new skills, creating original synergies, and new processes of inclusion and social innovation.

cod. 319.1

Barbara Camocini

Adapting Reuse.

Strategie di conversione d'uso degli interni e di rinnovamento urbano

L’Adaptive Reuse mira a conciliare la distanza tra le funzioni originarie degli spazi e le necessità emergenti. Il volume prende in esame il processo di conversione d’uso per la ri-funzionalizzazione di spazi esistenti, la cui funzione originaria è esaurita, mostrando come si possa dare nuovo significato ai “vuoti” urbani attraverso interventi, spontanei o guidati, che possono prevedere un forte coinvolgimento sociale e culturale.

cod. 85.99

Alessandro Biamonti

Kazuyo Komoda.

Research Experiences in Design

Il volume nasce all’interno del progetto RED – Research Experiences in Design, un ciclo di incontri e seminari con designer internazionali in collaborazione con il Triennale Design Museum. Questo primo volume della serie presenta la figura di Kazuyo Komoda, designer attiva in Europa e in Estremo Oriente, che ha collaborato con molte importanti aziende internazionali.

cod. 1099.1.1