Davide Marino

Agricoltura urbana e filiere corte.

Un quadro della realtà italiana

Le diverse forme di filiere corte (farmers’ market, vendita diretta, box scheme, Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale e Community Supported Agricolture…) in cinque realtà urbane diversificate sotto il profilo territoriale. Dopo un quadro iniziale sulle relazioni che interessano i principali attori del mercato, il testo propone un percorso metodologico sperimentale per valutare la sostenibilità (ambientale, sociale ed economica) dei processi di produzione e consumo alla base di queste filiere corte.

cod. 1810.3.8

Barbara Pancino, Silvio Franco, Giulia Avolio, Emanuele Blasi

Verso i distretti biologici: un percorso di governance per lo sviluppo locale nelle Marche

PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro

Fascicolo: 3 / 2015

The organic sector has been subject to great attention for long time, both from a regulatory point of view as well as from a research one. More recently, starting to think about the territorial connotation of organic farming and the benefits it can generate, the opportunity of organic districts emerged. The main objective of this paper is to discuss what should be the goals of an organic district, how to geographically characterize it and what are the conditions so that it can effectively contribute to promote organic farming, local development and the territory. In order to create a real added value, in the broadest sense of the term, it should be created a brand that is able to translate the identity of the area in an image, which is clearly perceived by the target audience. This result requires a governance model and a strategic approach, which is well exemplified by the Marche region case, where a process of identification of potential districts and activation of local partnerships for the establishment and management of the areas has been carried out

Silvio Franco, Clara Cicatiello, Emanuele Blasi, Barbara Pancino

Le filiere corte auto-organizzate dai consumatori: il modello dei Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale


Fascicolo: 2 / 2015

Consumers’ decisions are increasingly influenced by ethical issues. In the food domain it has led to the spread of alternative food supply chains. These innovative food networks, deaply embedded in the local domain, are characterized by a strong focus on food sustainability. Among them, the initiatives promoted and selforganized by consumers are particularly interesting as they disclose a high potential of fostering wider social changes. In this context, Solidarity Purchase Groups (called gas after the Italian acronym) emerge as spontaneous associations of consumers with strong ethical motivations including environmental, economic and social issues, which are fast-spreading in Italy. The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, looking at consumers, we analyze the profile of the Italian consumers who participate to gass, in order to more precisely identify the target of these experiences, on the base of a large survey held in Italy on short food chain consumers; on the other hand, from a strategic and operational level, we discuss how these innovative supply chain models are organized, drawing from data retrieved for the 117 gas s operating in the city of Rome. The results show that gas participants have some specific features compared to consumers shopping in other alternative food chains, both in the socio-demographic profile and in their purchasing behavior, which is characterized by a strong ethical motivation. Looking at the organizational models of the gas s of Rome, the results of the survey confirm that the social dimension is very important in the management of these groups, as well as the principles at the base of their constitution, which very often refer to environmental concerns about farming techniques, social commitment to the local community and trust-based relations with the producers. Nevertheless, beside the social and environmental concerns, the economic dimension is still very important, as shared purchases most of the time results in a significant reduction in prices. The evidences confirm that the gas model represents a very interesting object of analysis for economists. Indeed, gas s are an unique example of completely demand-pull innovative food chain. Besides, they are able to involve consumers with specific needs and a strong ethical motivation underpinning the food purchase.

Clara Cicatiello, Silvio Franco, Emanuele Blasi, Barbara Pancino

How Sustainable are Food Systems? One Step beyond the Concept


Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

The sustainability of food systems is a topical issue in recent years, but the definition of this concept is still very unclear. This paper aims to face this challenge, in order to support a sustainability assessment of the food systems. Such a definition should tackle the underpinning dimensions of sustainability, i.e. the environmental, social and economic domains. Once the sustainability concept has been defined, an interpretative framework to assess food system sustainability can be proposed, and indicators to measure these issues are discussed. Many have already been tested at the operative level, but it remains unclear how to measure some social and economic issues. Suggestions on how to fill these gaps are discussed in the paper, so as to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how food systems sustainability may be measured in the practice.

Silvio Franco, Barbara Pancino

Il distretto biologico

In un momento in cui la legge sui distretti biologici è in discussione nelle aule parlamentari e alcune regioni stanno valutando la possibilità di istituirli sul proprio territorio, questo volume vuole fare il punto sull’argomento discutendo le finalità di questo soggetto territoriale, la definizione della sua configurazione geografica e come esso possa efficacemente contribuire ai processi di sviluppo locale.

cod. 1810.2.34

Sidea-Società Italiana di Economia Agraria, Mario D'Amico

Produzioni agroalimentari tra rintracciabilità e sicurezza.

Analisi economiche e politiche d'intervento. Atti del XLIV Convegno di Studi. Taormina, 8-10 novembre 2007

Gli atti del XLIV Convegno della Società Italiana di Economia Agraria, su temi di particolare interesse relativi alla rintracciabilità e sicurezza delle produzioni agroalimentari. La continua ricerca della qualità e sicurezza alimentare è infatti l’unico elemento che può far ritrovare fiducia in una filiera agroalimentare che, in un passato non molto lontano, è stata caratterizzata da continue minacce per la salute e da diversi scandali.

cod. 1820.198

Antonio Boggia, Gaetano Martino

Agricolture e mercati in transizione.

Atti del XLIII Convegno di studi. Assisi, 7-9 settembre 2006

Gli atti del XLIII Convegno annuale di studi della Società Italiana di Economia Agraria (Sidea) sul tema “Agricolture e mercati in transizione”. Con il termine transizione si intende riassumere le dinamiche operanti nelle agricolture europee e la profondità dei cambiamenti in corso, invitando anche a predisporre gli strumenti concettuali indispensabili a fronteggiarli.

cod. 1820.186

Silvio Franco, Barbara Pancino

Bioregionalismo: un quadro d'insieme


Fascicolo: 80 / 2006

Bioregionalism is a model of social organization based on the feeling of belonging to a place. It can be read from two different perspectives; in the one examined in this paper, individual activities are strongly dependent on environment and natural cycles, and the economy of the community aims to reach a complete social and environmental sustainability. In the text, after presenting the ways to identify bioregions and confronting the ideological and the pragmatic approach to bioregionalism, individual motivations as well as social and political principles on which is based the community organization are pointed up. These last aspects will be discussed referring on social life and economical relations among members of a specific bioregional community.

Davide Marino, Clara Cicatiello

I farmers' market: la mano visibile del mercato.

Aspetti economici, sociali e ambientali delle filiere corte

I principali risultati di un progetto di ricerca sulla tematica delle cosiddette “filiere corte”, che ha avuto come obiettivo l’analisi degli impatti delle nuove forme di commercializzazione e consumo sul sistema produttivo agricolo italiano. In particolare vengono qui analizzati i farmers’ market, una delle forme più interessanti e innovative di filiera corta.

cod. 1810.3.3