Daniela Bruno, Cristina Roccia

L’alleanza terapeutica con adulti vittime di gravi traumi in età infantile. Emozioni e strategie del clinico


Fascicolo: 2 / 2009

Therapeutic alliance with adults who experienced severe trauma during childhood. Emotions and strategies of the clinician - When, during infancy, traumatic experiences have been the adaptive and fundamental experiencies for survival, the psychotherapy of these adults with specific identity trauma presents remarkable difficulties for taking the patient in charge and for the therapist’s counter-transferal emotions. This article shows, also through a single clinical case, some important phases of the therapy: guaranteeing the safety of the patient, repairing his/her damaged belief in him/herself, evaluating the risk, re-elaborating the trauma, reconnecting to real life and planning the future.

Parole chiave: trauma, reliance, risk assessment, controtransfert.

Parole chiave: trauma, fiducia di base, valutare il rischio, controtransfert.

Gli aspetti problematici dell’adozione: dalla conoscenza della coppia all’inserimento del bambino. Il bambino vittima di abuso e maltrattamento/em> ABSTRACT: This article examines the impact of type of child maltreatment on adoption, as a significant risk factor in its failure or its worsening functionality. Attention is focused on two important aspects for the understanding of the relation between adoptive parents and adopted child: the previous interiorization of a disorganized attachment bond by the maltreated child, and the emergence of sexualized behaviors and/or disclosure of sexual abuse during the adoption. These factors certainly play a decisive role in establishing a good parent-child relationship and parents’ ability to manage the most problematic aspects related to a dysfunctional, rejecting, sometimes incomprehensible conduct of an adopted child. Several case studies are presented. Key words: sexual abuse; fostering; adoption; maltreatment.