Daniele Chiffi, Francesco Curci

Fragility: concept and related notions


Fascicolo: 91 / 2019

Fragility is perhaps the concept that best represents the many uncertainties of our time related to different issues such as political and economic instability, energy and ecological transition, climate change, demographic and migratory dynamics. The article aims at conceptually clarifying the notion of fragility so as to try to differentiate it from other related notions such as that of vulnerability. It is pointed out that vulnerability is a notion that, unlike fragility, can be understood (in line of principle) entirely by means of risk analysis tools; and secondly, although both fragility and vulnerability can be regarded as ‘dispositions’, they belong to two different types.

Daniele Chiffi, Pierdaniele Giaretta

Normative facets of risk


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

An explicative analysis of the concept of risk must take into account that risk assessment depends on individual beliefs and evaluations. A key point is the concept of harm, which appears to be subjective. One of the constitutive aspects of this concept is reference to values, which is also present in the statistical hypothesis testing, specifically when oriented to decision making in practical contexts. It is highlighted that some difficulties are found in specifying the ways in which the subjectivity and the values are to be taken into consideration in order to obtain a better understanding of the concept of risk.

The Susy Safe Working Group

The Susy Safe registry: data and recommendations.

Final Report 2008-2010

The Susy Safe Registry is an European Registry of foreign bodies injuries in children in the upper aero-digestive tract. The registry is a joint action of the European Commission, DG-SANCO and eleven European countries. The aim of the project is to characterize the products causing the injuries, with the aim at identifying dangerous products, fostering safety of young consumers and promoting prevention activities directed to families.

cod. 365.1038