Il Rapporto annuale ISMU sulle migrazioni nel 2022 analizza sia l’impatto della pandemia sui flussi migratori e sugli immigrati, sia le conseguenze, sotto il profilo migratorio, della drammatica questione afghana. Attenuata l’emergenza sanitaria nella seconda metà del 2021, si è riaccesa infatti l’attenzione sui temi delle migrazioni, facendo riemergere le sfide che il fenomeno presenta per l’Italia e l’Unione europea.

cod. 10907.2

Marco Caselli

Viaggi, esperienze, ritorni

La migrazione da El Salvador all’Italia

Obiettivo del volume è di acquisire una conoscenza approfondita sulla migrazione salvadoregna verso e di ritorno dall’Italia, con particolare attenzione alle cause di tale migrazione e all’impatto che essa ha su chi si muove, sulle famiglie dei migranti e sui contesti territoriali di origine e di arrivo della migrazione stessa.

cod. 907.76

Ambrosianeum Fondazione Culturale, Rosangela Lodigiani

Milano 2018.

Rapporto sulla città. Agenda 2040

Immaginare il volto della Milano di domani non è solo un esercizio previsionale sofisticato, ma la maniera attraverso cui imprimere una direzione al cambiamento d’epoca. Assumendo le periferie quale metafora per eccellenza della città come corpo vivo, punto di vista privilegiato per interrogarsi sulle priorità da mettere in agenda, il Rapporto Ambrosianeum 2018 fissa l’orizzonte temporale di una road map lungo cui procedere con passi decisi per costruire la Milano che vogliamo.

cod. 1260.97

Emanuela Bonini Lessing

Urban Safety and Security

This book gives accounts of different strategies showing an impact on urban safety and security in European and non-European cities – being it the main goal or only a “secondary effect” of the observed urban policies, and being their result effective or only perceived. The essays describe the process, the stakeholders as well as the specific tools that have been employed. They reveal site-specific consequences both on the urban fabric as well as on the lifestyle of different social groups.

cod. 2000.1438

Pier Antonio Varesi, Alberto Vergani

Self-employment e sostegno pubblico all'imprenditorialità.

Il caso della Provincia di Cuneo e dei Programmi di Creazione d'Impresa

I principali risultati e i percorsi di attuazione di due programmi di supporto alla creazione di impresa attuati dalla Provincia di Cuneo tra l’inizio del 2010 e la fine del 2013.

cod. 1137.95

Emanuela Bonini

I servizi di emersione dalla tratta a fini di sfruttamento sessuale: una valutazione comparativa

RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione

Fascicolo: 55 / 2013

The article proposes an exercise of comparative evaluation of against trafficking in human being and prevention services in two Countries of victims origin and two Countries of destination. The evaluand’s analysis is going to focus on intervention models concerning service management system seen as local applications of emersion policies in the four Countries considered. Services evaluation mainly deals with three elements whose interactions represents the implementation process, that is actors involved (stakeholders), networks and finalized activities.

Emanuela Bonini

Scuola e disuguaglianze.

Una valutazione delle risorse economiche, sociali e culturali

Prendendo avvio dal concetto bourdieuiano di riproduzione del capitale sociale e culturale, il testo propone un’esplorazione delle forme e delle dimensioni delle disuguaglianze socioeconomiche all’interno del sistema scolastico italiano.

cod. 1900.2.14

Emanuela Bonini, Alberto Vergani

Valutare gli studenti per valutare il sistema: una esperienza della Provincia di Varese

RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione

Fascicolo: 42 / 2008

Valutare gli studenti per valutare il sistema: una esperienza della Provincia di Varese - The article presents the main results of a system level evaluation of learning outcomes concerning compulsory Vocational Training (VT) 3-years courses final formal examinations. This evaluation, carried out by the Education and Vocational Training Department of an italian Province (Varese), specifically deals with the use of single student learning standardized outcomes as a crucial component - if properly designed, managed and processed - of the evaluation of a local institutional VT system as a whole. This is quite a challenging task in Italy due both to the territorial differences existing in VT policies and institutional responsibilities and to the weakness of system evaluation culture, models and experiences in VT specifically and in education in general. The evaluation, conducted with the supervision of the two authors, will be presented and briefly discussed mainly by a methodological perspective. It will focus on the way in which learning contexts, training contents and trainees characteristics have been included into the evaluative analysis as factors potentially able: a) to explain, at a system level, the learning outcomes of the students; b) to offer the local stakeholders a comprehensive set of information and evidences to be used for the improvement of VT policies, programmes and single interventions.

Key words: educational and vocational training, learning outcomes assessment, system evaluation, comparison, explication

Parole chiave: istruzione e formazione professionale, valutazione di sistema, valutazione degli apprendimenti, comparazione, spiegazione

Sebastiano Benasso, Emanuela Bonini

Giovani latinos tra estetiche e consumi


Fascicolo: 3 / 2008

Young latinos between aesthetics and consumptions - The paper focuses on some considerations regarding both the consumption habit and the esthetical/symbolic construction of young latinos being part of street organizations in the Genoa’s area. In this framework, dressing, body’s communication (ranging from tattoo’s choice to gesticulation), the use and production of music, management of leisure time as well as dancing style adopted, have been studied and understood as symbolic dimensions of a "marginal habitus" which, as long as it shifts between invisibility and emersion poles, is aimed to negotiate the capability of a self-definition within the receiving communities. By this, a constructive emblema is provided to stigma‘s symbols, mainly in terms of an achieved respect, both personal and as a group. Specifically, the paper gives evidence of the outcomes of the analysis carried out by mean of a (direct) contact with key informers, by gathering life’s stories of young latinos, and by a participant observation of party time organized and managed by them. The main purpose and intention of the paper is to figure up the local expression of some transnational frames, such as: the gangsta fashion, the hip hop universe, the reggaeton phenomenon.

Keywords Etnography; Consumption; Latinos; Street organizations; Dressing; Gangsta; Hip Hop; Matinée; Reggaeton; Perreo; Respect