Francesca Gastaldi, Paolo Liberati

I nodi della finanza pubblica: teoria e politica.

Scritti in onore di Antonio Pedone

I contributi presentati alla giornata di studio in onore di Antonio Pedone, professore emerito di Scienza delle Finanze presso la Sapienza Università di Roma e Socio dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Il convegno ha dedicato particolare attenzione ai “nodi” che riguardano sia la politica di bilancio sia il sistema tributario, principali oggetti di indagine dell’opera di Pedone.

cod. 363.114

Cosimo Magazzino, Gian Cesare Romagnoli

Legge di stabilità e finanza pubblica in Italia

La ricerca ha avuto come riferimento la Legge di stabilità per il 2014 e la sua inadeguatezza a invertire le aspettative di continuazione della recessione, in corso dal 2008, che ha dato luogo alla perdita di 9 punti percentuali di reddito prodotto e a una disoccupazione pari a 6 milioni di persone…

cod. 365.1083

Nicoletta Emiliani, Giuseppe Pisauro, Francesca Gastaldi, Giancarlo Salvemini

Riduzione della spesa per interessi (1996-2003). Chi ne ha beneficiato? Una rappresentazione grafica


Fascicolo: 4 / 2004

Riduzione della spesa per interessi (1996-2003). Chi ne ha beneficiato? Una rappresentanza grafica (di Nicoletta Emiliani, Francesca Gastaldi, Giuseppe Pisauro, Giancarlo Salvemini) - ABSTRACT: Since 1996, interest payments on Italy’s public debt have significantly reduced as a consequence of public budget recovery, decrease in international interest rates and lower public debt/GDP ratio. This reduction may be viewed as a fiscal dividend. How was it used? How did it modify the public account structure? Which expenditure and tax items benefited most from this reduction? Did it cause some income redistribution? Using data on General Government accounts, the paper first analyses the distribution of this fiscal dividend in terms of lower deficit, lower taxes and higher public expenditures (other than interest payments); to this regard, it also detects which expenditure areas have gained most for given levels of both deficit and taxes. Second, the paper investigates the distribution of expenses and revenues among the various levels of government (central, local and social security entities). Finally, the income redistribution caused by the direct taxes reduction is analysed, by using a microsimulation model and focusing on personal income tax changes between 1996 and 2003. The main results are: a) the decrease in interest payments and public sector deficit is almost one-to-one; b) there is no evidence that any particular expenditure item has been targeted by this fiscal dividend; c) the reduction in primary surplus is mainly coming from an increasing deterioration of both local governments and social security accounts; d) there is some evidence that the income tax reductions at central level have generated some positive effects on redistributional grounds, even though they are partially compensated by corresponding increases in local income taxes.