Lia Fassari

Reti, culture e mutamenti del lavoro. Uno sguardo radicale sull’università


Fascicolo: 98 / 2012

The essay approaches the theme of the university crisis by focusing on the institution’s reflective and discursive characteristics, and not the idea of a postmodern university that is defined by fragmentized knowledge and conformity to market values. The goal is to focus on elements of analysis that have had minor consideration within the present debate on university, in which priority is given to a logic of fulfillment of policy objectives. The challenges the system faces, however, are of much broader range, including the consequences of cognitive capitalism, communication technologies, and the «singularizing» of experiences.

Costantino Cipolla, Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Innovazione tecnologica e diseguaglianze territoriali

Temi e approcci sui quali lavorano oggi i giovani sociologi sono illustrati in questo testo che raccoglie gli atti del VIII Forum Giovani dell’Associazione Ital. Un confronto con le “urgenze” teoriche e concettuali attraverso cui la disciplina, in definitiva, si auto-rappresenta internamente e si presenta all’esterno.

cod. 2000.1358