Trends in FDIs after the financial crisis: what’s going on? - This article investigates the recent trends in FDIs, focussing on the effects provoked by the financial crisis. The crisis has impacted in a significant manner on the more volatile component of FDIs, i.e. cross-border M&As. On the contrary, forecasts for greenfield FDIs are just in line with the decline expected in world export, after a strong increase registered in 2008. With the possibility that the financial crisis could catalyse a trend toward the so called "reverse globalization", the paper argues that there is evidence of an increasing heterogeneity in firms’ behaviour, with some firms now considering whether or not to scale back offshoring production by returning operations to, or closer to, home. Nevertheless, there is no evidence, or at least not yet, that we are witnessing a major shift in the direction and dynamics of international delocalisation processes.
Keywords: foreign direct investments, multinational firms
Parole chiave: investimenti diretti esteri, imprese multinazionali
Jel Classification: F23