Francesca Rizzo

Seven Years of Design Research at Politecnico di Milano

Analysis of the funded research projects

Which are the main research funds currently accessed by the Department of Design? What are the topics explored through them and which are the interconnections with the Department core research activities? Also, what are the research products delivered, the reached outcomes, and the expected impacts BY these research projects? The book synthesises the results of a qualitative analysis conducted over 32 research projects coordinated or participated in by the researchers of the Department in the timeframe 2014-mid 2021. The results of the analysis confirm the high-level attractiveness of the Department research profile on core topics such as design methodology, service design, and health.

cod. 10319.19

Valentina Rognoli, Venere Ferraro

ICS Materials

Interactive, connected, and smart materials

This present book covers a series of outstanding reputation researchers’ contributions on the topic of ICS Materials applicable to several contexts such as product, interaction design, materials science and many more.

cod. 10319.7

Venere Ferraro, Anke Pasold

Emerging Materials & Technologies

New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas

The book focuses on four exemplified EM&Ts areas as results of the methods, gaps and issues related to their teaching methods. The four areas are: Experimental Wood-Based EM&Ts, Interactive Connected Smart (ICS) Materials Wearable-based, Carbon-based & Nanotech EM&Ts and Advanced Growing. It provides the setting up of a common/ novel method to teaching EM&Ts: to create new professional in young students, and to develop new guidelines and approach.

cod. 10319.5

Marita Canina


Il design e le tecnologie indossabili

Il volume presenta un’analisi dell’elettronica indossabile orientata alla progettazione dal punto di vista del design. Il libro restituisce un’analisi delle principali tecnologie, e soprattutto delle loro conseguenze sul design di nuovi prodotti, alcune indicazioni sulla metodologia progettuale, l’ergonomia, l’usabilità e la psicologia per un corretto approccio alla progettazione con l’utente...

cod. 85.60

Laura Anselmi

Il Design di prodotto oggi

Progettare con gli utenti: gli elettromedicali

Il volume, alla luce delle recenti trasformazioni del sistema azienda-prodotto-mercato, propone un approccio ergonomico alla progettazione, come metodologia orientata all’innovazione di un prodotto che tenga conto della centralità dell’uomo come utente e operatore. Il testo presenta un percorso progettuale ispirato all’user centred design, e illustra alcuni casi studio sul tema degli elettromedicali domestici.

cod. 85.59