Quetionario sul rimurgino mentale

Author/s Gabriella Pravettoni, Nicolò Leotta, Santo Di Nuovo
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/4
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 117-126 File size 234 KB
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Quetionario sul rimurgino mentale The definition of Rumination involves a variety of aspects which a considerable number of studies on the subject have researched and highlighted. The syndrome has been defined as a mental state where intrusive thinking is triggered off by a stressful or uncertain event. Research has shown that rumination may be characterised by anxiety, by cognitive inability, by self-reflective and self-critical thinking, and by depression. International researchers have identified the lack of an instrument that can measure rumination. The aim of our study was to create an instrument that was able to describe and measure this complex cognitive process. The questionnaire we developed was used on a sample of 213 participants, together with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). A three-dimensional model was derived from the data analysis carried out. The latent factors observed were described as anxious rumination, devaluative rumination and depressive rumination. The three factors correlate significantly with BDI. Furthermore, analogies were observed with factors identified by other researchers.

Gabriella Pravettoni, Nicolò Leotta, Santo Di Nuovo, Quetionario sul rimurgino mentale in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 4/2007, pp 117-126, DOI: