Nuova edizione Open Access

4 issues per year, ISSNe 2499-748X

Articoli della rivista disponibili in modalità . Open Access

The numbers published from 1970 to 2018 are available on the website www.rivistageograficaitaliana.it

The Rivista Geografica Italiana is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific journals in geography in Italy. It was first published in Florence in 1894. The intent, since the first issue, was to promote and spread reliable knowledge about Italy. One of the main tasks of the journal is, in fact, in the words of the editors Filippo Maria Pasanisi and Giovanni Marinelli, to undertake with scientific rigour "the task of collecting, ordering and slowly but effectively analysing some of the fundamental facts about our country". After a few years, the Rivista became the organ of the Società di Studi Geografici e Coloniali (Società di Studi Geografici), which was founded in Florence in 1895. The original aims and structure have remained essentially unchanged. The strictly scientific nature of its publications, which developed alongside a gradual broadening of the themes discussed in the journal, has remained a fundamental characteristic of the editorial approach. Today the Rivista Geografica Italiana is the pre-eminent vehicle for geographical studies in the Italian linguistic and cultural area. It’s the only human geography journal, among those published in Italy, that is listed in the "Scopus" repertoire, since 2013. In the context of a scientific debate that becomes ever more international in character, the desire and necessity of moving beyond the restricted circle of those who read Italian has led to English, French and Spanish being adopted as the other official languages of the Rivista. In order to enhance the diffusion of its scientific contents, starting from 2021 the Journal is available open access. The paper version of it is still available for a fee. The Rivista Geografica Italiana is published quarterly (March, June, September and December). It includes the following sections: Articles: scientific papers whose originality and quality have been assessed by Italian and/or foreign reviewers. Articles can be both research articles, which provide an elaboration and discussion of original empirical material, as well as review articles, which provide an overview of specific themes or authors. In both cases, articles must be original and relevant for the advancement of the state-of-the-art of the research area. Opinions and debates: they are not subject to peer review, but to an evaluation on the part of the editorial board. They consist of commentaries on various subjects, for which the authors are regarded as being primarily responsible. Bibliographical information: includes reviews of books published in Italy and abroad in the two years preceding the publication of each issue of the Rivista, which are regarded as being of interest to the geographical community. The aim of the Rivista is to provide a high quality forum for Italian and international scholars of geography and related disciplines who wish to bring their work before the scientific geographical community.

Editors: Bruno Vecchio (direttore responsabile) Univ. di Firenze; Silvia Aru (condirettore) Politecnico e Univ. di Torino; Sara Bonati Univ. di Genova ; Filippo Celata (condirettore) Univ. di Roma “La Sapienza”; Francesco Dini Univ.di Firenze; Anna Guarducci Univ. di Siena; Matteo Puttilli (condirettore) Univ. di Firenze; Chiara Rabbiosi (condirettore, coordinatore recensioni) Univ. di Padova
Scientific Board: John A. Agnew (UCLA College, Los Angeles, CA); Horacio Capel Saez (Univ. de Barcelona); Alberto Carton (Univ. di Padova); Gisella Cortesi (Univ.di Pisa); Giuseppe Dematteis (Politecnico di Torino); Pierpaolo Faggi (Univ. di Padova); Franco Farinelli (Univ. di Bologna); Paolo Roberto Federici (Univ. di Pisa); Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon (Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona); Vincenzo Guarrasi (Univ. di Palermo); Russell King (Univ. of Sussex, Brighton); Piergiorgio Landini (Univ. “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara); Elio Manzi (Univ. di Palermo); Claudio Minca (Univ. di Bologna); Rolf Monheim (Univ. Bayreuth); Denise Pumain (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon- sorbonne); Claude Raffestin (Univ. de Genève); Andres Rodrigues-Pose (London School of Economics); Vittorio Ruggiero (Univ. di Catania); Paola Sereno (Univ. di Torino); Claudio Smiraglia (C.A.I. Milano); Ola Soderstrom (Univ. de Neuchâtel); David E. Sugden (Univ. of Edinburgh); Maria Tinacci Mossello (Univ. di Firenze)
Ethics Commission: Silvia Aru (Politecnico e Univ. di Torino); Sara Bonati (Univ. di Genova); Anna Guarducci (Univ. di Siena); Matteo Puttilli (Univ. di Firenze)

Editorial office: Rivista Geografica Italiana, Dipartimento SAGAS, Via S. Gallo 10, 50129 Firenze Italy - Tel. +39 (0)55 2757956; e-mail: rivistageograficaitaliana@gmail.com. Please send proposals for book reviews and books to be reviewed to: Matteo Puttilli, Società di Studi Geografici, Dipartimento SAGAS, Via San Gallo 10, 50129 Firenze Italy.

Since 2007, articles submitted to the Rivista geografica for publication are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process.
All submissions are initially given a preliminary reading by the journal’s Board.
If the submission passes this preliminary reading, it is anonymized before being sent to two external reviewers.
The text is anonymized not only by removing the author’s name and affiliation, but also by removing other elements that might make it possible to identify the author(s), for example by removing as far as possible citations in the text and in the final bibliography of works by the author(s).
The external reviewers may be members of the Scientific Committee, of the Board of Referees, or selected by the Editorial Board on an ad-hoc basis. All reviewers are individuals with an established scientific reputation and experience in international publications. The complete list of reviewers is kept by the Editorial Board and published every two years in the Rivista’s website.
The anonymous article is sent to each reviewer together with a questionnaire in which the reviewer is asked to give:
-an analytical judgement on various aspects of the article;
- an overall comment about the article as a whole;
- a confidential comment on the article, to be seen only by the Editorial Board;
- a judgement on the publication-worthiness of the article in terms of the following five possibilities:
a) acceptable for publication as it stands;
b) acceptable but only after minor revisions have been made;
c) acceptable but with major revisions and with the suggestion that it be resubmitted to the review and reviewed a second time;
d) not acceptable but the authors are advised to submit the article to other journals;
e) not acceptable.
At this point the comment is sent to the author.
In the case of b), once the author has implemented the changes requested by one or both reviewers, the paper is sent to the Board who make a judgement as to whether the changes are satisfying. In the case of a negative judgement the Board will ask for further changes to be made.
In the case of c), once the author has implemented the changes requested by one or both reviewers, the paper is sent back to the Board who send it on to the reviewer or reviewers who made the judgement, to allow them to judge whether the changes are satisfying. In the case of a negative judgement the reviewer will request further changes until these are considered satisfying.
If one of the reviewers judges the work to be a), b) or c) and the other judges it to be d) or e), the paper may be either rejected or sent to a third reviewer (who will not be told of the previous judgements). If their judgement is d) or e) the paper will be rejected. If it is a), b) or c) the paper will be accepted and will follow one of the paths outlined above.

Editorial Guidelines
Licence agreement

Article Processing Charges & Fees

The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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ANVUR Rivista scientifica: Area 8, Area 10, Area 11, Area 13, Area 14
Classified in Class A by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in: 11/B1 (geography)
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Issue 4/2024


Opinioni e dibattiti

