A Comparative Analysis of the Incentive Systems under Taylorism and Fordism

Author/s Maurizio Lisciandra
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/2
Language English Pages 25 P. 65-89 File size 755 KB
DOI 10.3280/SPE2008-002003
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<em>A comparative analysis of the incentive systems under taylorism and fordism existing</em> - Lliterature on Taylorism has surprisingly ignored the role of its payment systems, while the results achieved on Ford’s five-dollar day programme appear contradictory and sometimes isolated from the organisational change simultaneously undertaken. I seek to fill these theoretical gaps. I provide a historical analysis of the relevant features of Taylorism and Fordism and analyse a simple agency model with a linear compensation scheme to account for the observed differences in payment systems between Taylor’s performance-related pay and Ford’s fixed wages. I show how the ex-post observed divergence may be interpreted in terms of technology-related differences in i) responsiveness of effort to incentives and ii) responsiveness of proceeds to effort. JEL classification: D8; J3; J41; L2. Keywords: Taylorism; Fordism; agency theory; labour contracts; incentives.

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Maurizio Lisciandra, A Comparative Analysis of the Incentive Systems under Taylorism and Fordism in "STORIA DEL PENSIERO ECONOMICO" 2/2008, pp 65-89, DOI: 10.3280/SPE2008-002003