Relationship between phenomenology of consciousness and effects of a hypnotic intervention: Preliminary study of a self-management program for chronic pain

Journal title IPNOSI
Author/s Federico Marcucci, Iacopo Belcari, Martina Rossi, Stefano Rossi, Antonella Ciaramella
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 41-54 File size 225 KB
DOI 10.3280/IPN2021-001003
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Hypnosis is a state of consciousness in which the increased ability to respond to suggestions modifies the phenomenology associated with its ordinary state. There is little literature that shows a relationship between the state of conscious-ness and the response to treatments. We report the preliminary results of an inves-tigation of the relationship between the phenomenology of consciousness, investi-gated through the Pekala Consciousness Inventory (PCI) and the efficacy of an integrated self-management treatment, that includes the self-hypnosis, for the con-trol of pain and anxiety.

Keywords: hypnosis, consciousness, self-management, phenomenology, self-hypnosis, pain.

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Federico Marcucci, Iacopo Belcari, Martina Rossi, Stefano Rossi, Antonella Ciaramella, Relazione tra fenomenologia della coscienza ed effetti di un intervento ipnotico: studio preliminare di un programma integrato di self-management per il dolore cronico in "IPNOSI" 1/2021, pp 41-54, DOI: 10.3280/IPN2021-001003