Investigating the effectiveness of the university counseling service during the Covid-19 pan-demic. Preliminary data on students’ well-being

Author/s Luigi Tinella, Anna Lacerenza, Concetta Papapicco, Tiziana Lanciano, Alessandro Taurino, Amedeo Stella, Antonietta Curci
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/3
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 143-163 File size 325 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2021-003015
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Covid-19 pandemic and its following confinement measures had a strong impact on individual’s well-being especially on undergraduate university students. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of a counseling intervention on university students during the first stage of the current pandemic (march-october 2020). The authors investigated this issue by assessing self-reported measures of Psychological Well-Being, Emotion-Regulation, and Per-ceived Self-Efficacy, in a sample of 49 (37 females) students requiring access to the Counsel-ing Service of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro2, Italy. A series of repeated-measures ANOVA 2x2 was performed considering both the pre-post factor and gender as independent variables on each of the self-reported measures. Results showed a significantly increased Psychological well-being, use of functional Emotion-Regulation strategies, and Perceived Self-Efficacy in the sample.

Keywords: university counseling, well-being, Covid-19

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Luigi Tinella, Anna Lacerenza, Concetta Papapicco, Tiziana Lanciano, Alessandro Taurino, Amedeo Stella, Antonietta Curci, L’efficacia del counseling universitario durante la pandemia da Covid-19. Un’indagine pilota sul benessere degli studenti in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2021, pp 143-163, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2021-003015