Fiorenza Belussi, Annalisa Caloffi, Martina Contin, Silvia Rita Sedita

Le imprese del distretto della riviera del Brenta tra global brand e multinazionali


Fascicolo: 2 / 2017

L’articolo descrive dei possibili meccanismi evolutivi sperimentati da imprese inserite in distretti industriali. In particolare, ci concentriamo sui meccanismi evolutivi di tipo acquisition driven (acquisizione da parte di multinazionali globali) e brand-driven (lo sviluppo di propri brand), che possono arrivare a modificare anche in modo radicale la struttura socioeconomica locale. La nostra riflessione si appoggia a un caso empirico, che riguarda lo storico distretto calzaturiero della Riviera del Brenta in cui i due meccanismi descritti sembrano coesistere.

Roberto Centazzo, Federica Pasini

I sistemi produttivi locali

Evidenze empiriche e politiche di sviluppo

I sistemi di piccole imprese hanno ancora un ruolo nell’economia italiana e nel suo rilancio. Esiste uno spazio nuovo da occupare da parte di una nuova specie di sistemi locali dotati di nuove competenze, tra cui quelle relative alla capacità di gestire la conoscenza e di creare reti, coalizioni, filiere. Il volume presenta la proposta della CNA dell’Emilia Romagna sui distretti e le filiere.

cod. 1141.10

Marco E.L. Guidi, Daniela Fernanda Parisi

The Changing Firm

Contributions from the history of economic thought. Selected papers from the 7th Conference of Aispe-Associazione italiana per la storia del pensiero economico

cod. 363.52

Fiorenza Belussi, Maria Scarpel

L'evoluzione recente del distretto della Riviera del Brenta: un approccio organizzativo


Fascicolo: 115 / 2002

The empirical study presented here applies the population ecology approach to the analysis of the evolutionary pattern of an industrial district localised in the Northeast region of Italy: the Riviera del Brenta, a district specialised in high-fashion woman footwear production. Our work deals specifically with the issue of firms dynamics (birth rate, expansion and exit). It integrates the typical elements of an industrial evolutionary approach with the "ecological" theories that are interested to the process of formation of organisations, to their growth or decline. In other words, to the process that gives rise to organisational variety (determined both by the growth of organisations that adopt a certain organisational form and by the relative weight of the different forms). The key concepts of our approach are respectively the "organisational community" (the whole population of firms, thus the formation of the industrial structure of the district), the individuation of the different "organisational forms" (the specific sub-populations of the district), and the notion of density, which considers the vital rates, and allows us to evaluate the evolution of a population during its history. Considering a long time-series data base, which has been constructed by us using three different archives and data sets (Inps, Cerved, and historical sources), we have shown the development of the district’s firm population since 1989, the year in which Giovanni Luigi Voltan founded the first footwear firm around Stra (a village situated in the province of Venice). The studied density curves of the individual sub-populations of firms confirm the "Population ecology" hypotheses, originally developed by Hannan and Freeman. First, the growth of the district’s firm population always follows a reverse U-shaped curve, which signals that, after an initial environmental legitimation to growth, if conditions (technology, markets, etc.) do not change, an irrevocable exhaustion of "local resources" occurs, and competition increases for their utilisation. Second, the modality of growth of each specific sub-population of the district firms is always non monotonic.