Cecilia Boggio, Alessandra Molino

English in Italy

Linguistic, Educational and Professional Challanges

The book explores the influence of the English language on areas of major social and cultural growth in 21st-century Italy. More specifically, the volume investigates the impact of English on general and specialized discourse; the role of English in language mediation practices in professional and educational settings; the educational and cultural implications of the spread of English-medium Instruction (EMI) in Italian universities; and finally, the contact of English and Italian in ‘new’ migratory contexts.

cod. 1058.49

Mariarosaria Provenzano

The EU Legal Discourse of Immigration.

A Cross-Cultural Cognitive Approach to Accessibility and Reformulation

The volume proposes an integrated model based on a cognitive and systemic-functional approach to the understanding of the English language used as a lingua franca in the specialized context of the legal discourse of Immigration and Political Asylum. The project draws on the awareness that the Western contextualisation of the law is based primarily on the sharing of a set of cognitive and socio-cultural schemata between the text producer and the potential text receiver.

cod. 291.65