Il volume offre una ricca panoramica di interventi e azioni che importanti aziende e start-up hanno posto in essere in risposta al Covid-19 a supporto dei lavoratori, testimoniando quanto un efficace Disability & Diversity Management sia stato di fondamentale importanza nella gestione dell’emergenza pandemica. Un testo pensato per consulenti aziendali, manager, diversity leader, disability manager, professionisti HR, studenti e tutti coloro che sono interessati a comprendere come siano mutate le logiche aziendali in seguito alla pandemia.

cod. 1750.29

Francesca Tosi

La professione dell'ergonomo.

Nella progettazione dell'ambiente, dei prodotti e dell'organizzazione

Quello in “Ergonomia dell’ambiente, dei prodotti e dell’organizzazione” rappresenta il primo Master universitario italiano strutturato sulla base del nuovo modello formativo del Center for Registration of European Ergonomist. Il volume raccoglie i contributi di ricercatori e professionisti, nei differenti ambiti dell’Ergonomia, che hanno costituito la base formativa del Master.

cod. 85.101

Nicola Alberto De Carlo, Alessandra Falco

Stress, benessere organizzativo e performance

Valutazione & Intervento per l'Azienda Positiva

Il volume fa il punto a livello internazionale e italiano sugli aspetti teoretici e su quelli applicativi di un tema di grande attualità, il benessere organizzativo e stress lavoro-correlato, ponendosi come vero manuale di riferimento per i vari specialisti delle risorse umane: medici del lavoro, responsabili dei servizi di prevenzione e sicurezza, psicologi, formatori, consulenti del lavoro, studenti delle diverse professioni psico/socio/sanitarie.

cod. 1375.10

Javier Fiz Pérez, Flavia Maria Margaritelli

Stress, lavoro e benessere nell'era dei social network.

Linee di pensiero e d'azione

Pensato per dirigenti, studiosi di HR management, di prevenzione e protezione, professionisti e studiosi di psicologia applicata ai contesti organizzativi, questo volume indaga cosa significhi work life balance nell’era dei social media. Attraverso una ricerca sperimentale sulla percezione di tempo, stress e lavoro sondata su Twitter mediante listenig platform, si prospettano nuovi strumenti per le imprese e lo studio delle rappresentazioni sociali tramite l’analisi dei social networks.

cod. 1375.13

Gabriele Giorgi, Edgar Breso, Shoss Mindy Krischer

Testing a short version of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: An Italian Study


Fascicolo: 2 / 2011

Negli ultimi anni il costrutto di intelligenza emotiva ha attratto particolare interesse nel panorama scientifico. Sono inoltre stati sviluppati metodi diversi di valutazione dei va- riegati aspetti riguardanti l’intelligenza emotiva. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare le caratteristiche psicometriche del Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Short (Bar-On Eq-i:S; Bar-On, 2002) mettendone in luce l’attendibilità e validità nella versione italiana. I risultati emersi consentono di concludere che lo strumento in esame possiede proprietà psicometriche accettabili.

Gabriele Giorgi, Vincenzo Majer

Intelligenza emotiva e mobbing: un focus su un campione di vittime di azioni vessatorie


Fascicolo: 3 / 2008

Emotional intelligence and workplace bullying: a focus on victims of negative acts - The following research aims to analyze the emergent relation between workplace bullying and emotional intelligence. Data were collected on a sample of 412 employees within four Italian organizations. Employees compiled the Bar-On EQi: S and the NAQ-R Italian version. The findings showed that emotional intelligence correlates with personal bullying. There was a significative difference among bullying victims and non-victims as far as the emotional intelligence factor mood concerned. Furthermore, bullying victims appeared to be divided into custers using emotional intelligence as a criteria. Particularly, lower emotional intelligence people have perceived more frequent and persistent acts than higher emotional intelligence people. Keywords: emotional intelligence, workplace bullying, individual differences

Gabriele Giorgi, Vincenzo Majer

Measuring workplace bullying in Italy: a study in twenty one organizations


Fascicolo: 2 / 2008

This research addresses the measurement of bullying in Italy. Above 1700 Italian employees compiled the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) Italian version across more than 20 organizations. The database of the research came indeed from a work of organizational diagnosis. Findings highlighted that bullying is clearly linked to the organizational context, though the nature of the experience varies among companies. Results showed that also the occurrence of each negative act (included in the NAQ-R Italy) varies significantly among the considered organizations. A focus on negative acts is finally suggested at a cross-cultural level, particularly in terms of risk assessemt of negative acts most prevalent in organisational contexts in particular and in nations in general. Keywords: workplace bullying, Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised, negative behaviours, job design, cross-cultural psychology.

Selver Yildiz, Selim Tuzunturk, Gabriele Giorgi

Workplace bullying in Turkey: prevalence among private sector employees


Fascicolo: 2 / 2008

The aim of the present study is to measure the prevalence of bullying in Turkey. On the hand by using the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R) and on the other hand by giving a precise definition of the concept of bullying and asking for the victimization admission. The sample comprises 363 Turkish employees who work in the private sector. Results indicate an average rate of bullying according to the operational method. However when employing the subjective method bullying rate is up to many times higher than the prevalence rates reported overseas. Finally, new suggestions for future researches are made. Keywords: workplace bullying, prevalence, private sector, negative acts.

Takashi Asakura, Mikayo Ando, e Gabriele Giorgi

Workplace bullying in Japan: an epidemiological study Il mobbing in Giappone: uno studio epidemiologico


Fascicolo: 2 / 2008

This research aims to measure the prevalence of bullying in Japan. The agreed method used in bullying surveys, the operational classification method, has been employed. Furthermore a cluster approach was used to analyze the data, which was obtained by using the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised administered to a consistent sample of Japanese workers. The results show that when comparing the traditional operational classification method with the two step cluster analysis there is a high overlap in identifying bullying victims and non victims. In addition bullying prevalence in Japan appears to be quite elevated, higher than several European countries. Significant differences on bullying exposure have been also found on a number of variables such as basic demographics, lifestyle and workplace factors Keywords: workplace bullying, Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised, negative behaviours, Japan.

Gabriele Giorgi, Takashi Asakura, Mikayo Ando

The unknown side of workplace bullying research: the case of japan


Fascicolo: 1 / 2008

The unknown side of workplace bullying research: the case of japan (by Gabriele Giorgi, Takashi Asakura, Mikayo Ando) - ABSTRACT: This paper is intended to illuminate the recent social problem of ijime (bullying at work) in Japan. A concise interpretation of literature related to workplace bullying is undertaken. Research into bullying at work reported in Japan is rather limited, but will have value especially for cross-cultural potentials. This paper also proposes explanations on bullying at work based on cultural, sociological and economical factors of Japanese organizations and society. Also the changing nature of the Japanese working environment is highlighted. In conclusion, possible new perspectives for future research concerning bullying at work in Japan are suggested.

Gabriele Giorgi



Fascicolo: 4 / 2005

Gabriele Giorgi, (a cura di)



Fascicolo: 3 / 2005