Workplace bullying in Japan: an epidemiological study Il mobbing in Giappone: uno studio epidemiologico

Titolo Rivista RISORSA UOMO
Autori/Curatori Takashi Asakura, Mikayo Ando, e Gabriele Giorgi
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 141-155 Dimensione file 97 KB
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This research aims to measure the prevalence of bullying in Japan. The agreed method used in bullying surveys, the operational classification method, has been employed. Furthermore a cluster approach was used to analyze the data, which was obtained by using the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised administered to a consistent sample of Japanese workers. The results show that when comparing the traditional operational classification method with the two step cluster analysis there is a high overlap in identifying bullying victims and non victims. In addition bullying prevalence in Japan appears to be quite elevated, higher than several European countries. Significant differences on bullying exposure have been also found on a number of variables such as basic demographics, lifestyle and workplace factors Keywords: workplace bullying, Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised, negative behaviours, Japan.;

Takashi Asakura, Mikayo Ando, e Gabriele Giorgi, Workplace bullying in Japan: an epidemiological study Il mobbing in Giappone: uno studio epidemiologico in "RISORSA UOMO " 2/2008, pp 141-155, DOI: