Vittorio Olgiati

Lex mercatoria e communitas mercatorum nell'esperienza giuridica contemporanea


Fascicolo: 2-3 / 2005

This article takes a look from a socio-legal perspective at the historically determined outlines of the ratio juris of today’s lex mercatoria and of the ratio status of today’s Communitas Mercatorum, in relation to the salient characteristics of contemporary legal and political dynamics, paying particular attention to the European project and constitutional process. After a brief description of the historical evolution of these variables, whose purpose is to correct the simplifications instigated by the tradition of positive law, the analysis then concentrates on the current socio-legislative context, whose distinctive trait is not in fact the so-called globalisation of law, but, on the contrary, the co-evolutionary, asynchronous, asymmetric and non-systemic coexistence of a multiplicity of phenomena of pluralism, among which pride of place goes to institutional incompatibility, legal fundamentalism and interlegality. On the basis of these precepts, the article then goes on to highlight the salient political question of today’s legal experience, i.e. the war being conducted by the big supranational and transnational economic corporations against the provisions of legal orders legitimated politically by the modern sovereign state, in order to gain the upper normative hand over social dynamics as a whole: a war that features the instrumental use of the lex mercatoria both on the technical and on the ideological plane. In view of the current trend in this war, what emerges is the importance of today’s efforts to achieve political and legal construction at the European level, whose purpose is to protect the symbolic and material borders of the European political economy by erecting a system of fundamental rights and freedoms, with respect to which the lex mercatoria itself certainly functions as an integral part of the Jus Commune Europae.

Vittorio Olgiati

Jus communicationis e jus gentium: l'incertezza del diritto dopo l'11 settembre


Fascicolo: 37 / 2005

From the fall of the Wall in Berlin to the collapse of the Towers in New York, in the field of law the notion of globalization has substantially been synonymous of new worldwide order. By giving value to the emergency of powerful agencies and new extra- , trans- and over-national law devices, this version has been above all characterised by the emphasis put on the necessity of de-construction up to the decay of the ordinamental structures rooted on the State-form, according to criteria unilaterally defined and/or inspired by western political-financial circles. After the terroristic action of September 11th, and the war action of the USA against Iraq, the questionable and controversial representation of a global or globalized worldwide order is not proposable any longer, and has become a real non-sense, given the evident violation of the whole international law system and the following absolute constitutional instability. How globalization has been implemented in the field of law has been analysed, putting in evidence limits and contradictions, and the reasons of the consequent unsuccess because of the organic link with the subsequent application of the preventive war concept. Recalling the ancient jus communicationis, theorised at the age of the American colonization, is useful to strongly criticise the existent relationship between the strategies of globalization and the imperial aims hidden behind the ideology of the universality of the western law model.

Ais-Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Giandomenico Amendola

Anni in salita.

Speranze e paure degli italiani

cod. 1520.473