Comunicazione organizzativa per l'amministrazione pubblica: il ruolo della comunicazione interna

Author/s Raimondo Ingrassia
Publishing Year 2002 Issue 2001/2-3
Language Italian Pages 30 P. File size 124 KB
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The present work aims to contribute organisational knowledge to those working in various managerial and organisational roles (clerks, managers, administrators, academics) within public administration, with reference to those parts of the reform process begun in Italy in the 1990s concerning communication as a governmental tool for organisational procedures. Particular reference is made to the role and competence of internal communication, taking into consideration in the analysis the strict interdependence that exists in public administration with other forms of organisational communication.

Raimondo Ingrassia, Comunicazione organizzativa per l'amministrazione pubblica: il ruolo della comunicazione interna in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 2-3/2001, pp , DOI: